Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Syed Khan was a 'reformer': NCERT

The page no. 120 of NCERT for class 8, titled OUR PASTS - III (Part 2) is titled Organising for reform.

The sixth paragraph is titled The Aligarh Movement

It states that (NCERT link) :

The Mohammedan Anglo - Oriental College, founded by Sayyid Ahmed Khan in 1875 at Aligarh, later became the Aligarh Muslim University. The institution offered modern education, including Western science, to Muslims. The Aligarh Movement, as it is known, had an enormous impact in the area of educational reform.

Alongside, a picture of Sayyid Ahmed Khan has been shown. On the same page a picture of Swami Vivekanand has also been show. The typical balancing act. Placing a monster with a monk will be sufficient to fool 12 year old children into thinking that Sayyid Ahmed Khan was some great human being.

The contrast between Swami Vivekanand and Sayyid Ahmed Khan could not have been more. One opposed Britishers and Christianity tooth and nail where as Ahmed Khan was not only the pet poodle of Britishers but also wanted Christianity to stay in our motherland to defeat Hinduism.

Let us take a closer look.

Just after the 1857 uprising, this 'reformer' had written a book, the title of which will give the readers an idea of his mindset. It is called 'The loyal Mohammedans of India'. If you are wondering as to the subject of loyality of Mohammedans of India, as mentioned by Sayyid Khan, then here is an extract from one of his letters

extract from 'The life and work of Syed Ahmed Khan'
by G.F.I. Graham

He was a lick spittle of Britishers, from the beginning to the end.

During the unrest of 1857, when some freedom fighters were trying to liberate our motherland from the clutches of Britishers, This NCERT reformer was playing his part to perfection. So faithful was he to the Britishers that he was given suitable rewards. 

Take a look.

That is how NCERT is subverting the thought process of the nation.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


If you have ever wondered about the ideology of 'Maoist' movement in our country, here are a few tit bits which leave no doubt that the real source of this gangsterism is not Maoism but an extension of the biggest organized criminal gang on the planet - The Church. These have been extracted from 'Maoist information bulletin', thus from their own mouthpiece. The bulletin contains terms like Muslims, Hindu, Christians and Shankaracharya. 

Now, why would supposedly atheistic Maoists use religious terms. The aim becomes clear when one understands the implication of these words by the tone and tenor used. Let us take the words one by one.

The word Muslims appears only once in the 'bulletin'. It is...
The votaries of fake democracy.....shamelessly talk of democracy even when 3000 Muslims are murdered in cold blood by the saffron terrorists in Gujarat.
The sympathy for Muslims and hatred for Saffron is strange from a so called atheistic 'Maoistic' ideology. As for the exaggeration and fakeness of the number of muslim victims, which was less then 800, read here
This sympathy of 'Maoists' is not limited to Muslims. It spills over to Christians also, alongwith the hatred to Sanatan Dharm. Sample this:

They cannot explain how a democracy allows some terrorists of the saffron variety to murder Christian men and rape women
Then again on page 37, 

An important group which reached the tribal areas were the Christian missionaries who set up schools there followed by Hindu right-wing groups who decided that the tribals must be “saved” from the Christians.
So far Now to the word Hindu in the report. It appears four times. One is mentioned above and the rest of the three are

Gandhi’s so called non-violence is meant for the poor, the oppressed, and the victims of feudal violence, imperialist violence, upper-caste violence, Hindu fascist violence, and structural violence in varied forms.

In DK, the brutal state offensive had entered a new phase with the launching of the murderous terrorist armed campaign of salwa judum in June 2005 under the leadership of the Congress chieftain Mahendra Karma and the Hindu fascist Raman Singh government in Chhattisgarh.
One more reference if from a news item of 'Hindustan Times'. 
Do you get the drift ??

The terrorists are all saffron and Hindus are all 'Hindu fascist'. Muslims are victims and Christians are also either victims or are important group. 

The point is if these had been really maoists, they would have despised all the religious identities and not exaggerated them to target one particular religion. The real Maoism has died with Mao, just like Communism. The present maoism is just a fake prop of anti India forces.

So, next time you hear the term Maoists, you know who is pulling the strings. The foot soldiers of the Maoists do not even know that they are playing in the hands of fanatic Christians.

Sunday, July 8, 2012


In this post, all the verse of Quran have been taken from the translation rendered by 'Hilali and Khan' and it is said to be the most widely circulated translation in the world. 

According to पतंजलि योगसूत्र, one of the golden rules is not to take what is not rightfully yours. This is called अस्तेय. The वैदिक/सनातन धर्म has had a hoary tradition on these lines. It talks of rising above such illusory gains.

Islam has no such tradition of योग so that one can rise above the pleasure of the senses. So different is Islam from वैदिक/सनातन धर्म that the eighth chapter of Quran is dedicated to justification of looting from other religions. The name of the chapter is Anfal or अन्फाल, which means loot of war. The title should be sufficient for an alert and balanced mind that if one of the longest chapters is devoted to such a topic, what kind of ideology can it preach. In this post, we will find how Jihad, killing of others, terrorizing the others and looting of others is justified.

To understand the post, it is better to get acquainted with a few Islamic words.

Mushrik - It means those who consider any one else as God, except Allah. The word 'shirk' or शिर्क means participation and its verb is shirkat or शिरकत. Thus, all those who worship the supreme creator by any other name like ब्रह्म, ब्रह्मा, शिव, कृष्ण, राम, दुर्गा, विष्णु, अय्यप्पा, मुरुगन, Jesus, Jehova or any other name are Mushrik. This word is primarily used to represent those who are involved in मूर्तिपूजा which is called 'बुत परस्ती' in Islam. Thus all Hindus and Buddhists are mushrik. In fact, the word बुत has its origins in the word बुद्ध because of the large carvings of Buddh which were revered by Buddhists.

'Ahle Kitaab - As compared to Mushriks, the people of Judeo-Christian origin are better placed. They are referred to as 'people of the book' or 'अहले किताब'. This preferential treatment to them is because the founder of Islam, Mohammad, borrowed generously from old testament and new testament. 

Kuffar - It is a term which includes Mushrik as well as people of the book. Singular of Kuffaar is Kaafir or काफिर.

Aayat - Verses of Quran. Hindi - आयत, singular -Aaya or आया.

Anfal - War booty, loot, also called ग़नीमत or Ghanimat.

Like evangelists, whom Gandhi ji rightly called 'vendors of goods', Islamists have also found out that Hindus have lost their intellectual agility and can be deceived by using the right kind of phrases and face expression. The days Hindus become intellectually active and courageous, they will not only be able to stem the tide of predatory creeds but will be able to save those poor souls who have been converted to Islam. Muslims all over the world and especially on our sub continent, are victims because they have been uprooted from their ancestral faith and converted to Islam, either with sword or some other inducement.

Islam was started by a seventh century Godman called Muhammad bin Abdullah (Muhammad son of Abdullah).

In the year 695 A.D., at 25, he had married a 40 years old wealthy and successful business lady named Khadija. This alliance was economically very fruitful for Muhammad. For next 25 years he did not have to worry about earning a livlihood. 
She died after 25 years and now Muhammad had to take care of his daily needs. He married a very old lady named Sauda to take care of his and Khadija's children and married six years old Aisha within a year of demise of Khadija. Since he had proclaimed himself to be a Godman, Allah obligingly 'revealed' the Surah 8 to take care of the monetary angle of his 'prophet'.

The gist of this chapter is that Allah wants his latest courier and his followers to raid, loot, kill and rape innocent persons and share the booty among themselves. The only fault of these innocents is that they do not follow the self styled 'prophet'. 

It so happened that Muhammad and his 305 followers had raided a Caravan. The caravan belonged to Mecca and its leader had been alerted about the evil designs of Muhammad and his cronies. He sent a message for reinforcements to protect the precious Caravan from the robbery, changed the route and reached Mecca safely. The raiding party of Muslims encountered the reinforcements. The meccans outnumbered the Muslims but were reluctant to fight as they felt that Muhammad and his men were their relatives. The Muslims did not have any such qualms and they attacked with their full might and defeated the Meccans. Some of the chiefs of Mecca were killed and the others left the field, leaving their belongings behind. It was a poor consolation for the war hungry Muslims so they started quibbling among themselves for the distribution. It was at this opportune time that Allah's latest instalment of instructions was 'revealed' through Muhammad.

The first verse is :
They ask you (O Muhammad SAW) about the spoils of war. Say: "The spoils are for Allah and the Messenger." So fear Allah and adjust all matters of difference among you, and obey Allah and His Messenger (Muhammad SAW), if you are believers.
With this verse, Allah sanctioned the muslims to kill and loot all those who did not believe in Allah. The chapter has 75 verses in which 'Allah' uses a colourful vocabulary to denounce the followers of any other faith. I will quote some of these verses here.
And (remember) when Allah promised you (Muslims) one of the two parties (of the enemy i.e. either the army or the caravan) that it should be yours, you wished that the one not armed (the caravan) should be yours, but Allah willed to justify the truth by His Words and to cut off the roots of the disbelievers (i.e. in the battle of Badr).
In the verse 12 of this chapter, Allah commands to behead the Kaafirs and cause TERROR in their hearts.
(Remember) when your Lord inspired the angels, "Verily, I am with you, so keep firm those who have believed. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who have disbelieved, so strike them over the necks, and smite over all their fingers and toes."
In the next verse, the reason for the terrorist activity is clarified
This is because they defied and disobeyed Allah and His Messenger. And whoever defies and disobeys Allah and His Messenger, then verily, Allah is Severe in punishment.
Then Allah warns all non Muslims in verse 38:
Say to those who have disbelieved, if they cease (from disbelief) their past will be forgiven. But if they return (thereto), then the examples of those (punished) before them have already preceded (as a warning).
In next verse, Allah gives the command to fight till all non Muslims are finished off.
And fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief and polytheism: i.e. worshipping others besides Allah) and the religion (worship) will all be for Allah Alone [in the whole of the world]. But if they cease (worshipping others besides Allah), then certainly, Allah is All-Seer of what they do.
Then the cat comes out of the bag in verse 41, where Allah asks for 20% in the robbery:
And know that whatever of war-booty that you may gain, verily one-fifth (1/5th) of it is assigned to Allah, and to the Messenger, and to the near relatives [of the Messenger (Muhammad SAW)], (and also) the orphans, Al-Masakin (the poor) and the wayfarer, if you have believed in Allah and in that which We sent down to Our slave (Muhammad SAW) on the Day of criterion (between right and wrong), the Day when the two forces met (the battle of Badr) - And Allah is Able to do all things.
Badr is the name of the place where this confrontation took place. Very few people know that the attack on Kargil was code named Al-Badr, taking inspiration from this robbery raid. Allah displays his anger on disbelievers. 
Quran - Chapter 8, verse 55
Verily, The worst of moving (living) creatures before Allah are those who disbelieve, - so they shall not believe.
Thus, Allah considers all those to be worst of creatures, who do not believe in ayats of Quran. So, except Muslims all are detested by Allah.

If Allah dislikes them then how should the faithfuls treat them. It is clearly explained. [8:57]
So if you gain the mastery over them in war, punish them severely in order to disperse those who are behind them, so that they may learn a lesson. 
Hindi rendering is more clear
तो अगर वह लड़ाई में तुम्हारे हाथे चढ़ जाएँ तो (ऐसी सख्त गोश्माली दो कि) उनके साथ साथ उन लोगों का तो अगर वह लड़ाई में तुम्हारे हत्थे चढ़ जाएं तो (ऐसी सजा दो की) उनके साथ उन लोगों को भी तितिर बितिर कर दो जो उन के पुश्त पर हो ताकि ये इबरत हासिल करें 
Allah really hates Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Jains, Zorashtrians, Jews and Christians. So, [8:59]
And let not those who disbelieve think that they can outstrip (escape from the punishment). Verily, they will never be able to save themselves (from Allah's Punishment).
Ajmal Kasab or Afzal Guru became terrorists because [8:60]
Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into (the hearts of) the enemies, of Allah and your enemies, and others besides, whom ye may not know, but whom Allah doth know. Whatever ye shall spend in the cause of Allah, shall be repaid unto you, and ye shall not be treated unjustly.
The above statement gives us an idea as to why radical Islamists are never short of money. 
We keep on hearing the word Jihad. Here is its true meaning [8:65]
ऐ रसूल तुम मोमिनीन को जिहाद के वास्ते आमादा करो (वह घबराए नहीं ख़ुदा उनसे वायदा करता है कि) अगर तुम लोगों में के साबित क़दम रहने वाले बीस भी होगें तो वह दो सौ (काफिरों) पर ग़ालिब आ जायेगे और अगर तुम लोगों में से साबित कदम रहने वालों सौ होगें तो हज़ार (काफिरों) पर ग़ालिब आ जाएँगें इस सबब से कि ये लोग ना समझ हैं  
When the Muslims had won the confrontation, they held about 50 Meccans as captives so that more money could be earned in the form of ransom (if this is not gangsterism, what is?). Out of these poor captives were two men named An-Nazr and Ukba, who used to tease Muhammad by saying that he was not a prophet. Now they were at the mercy of Muhammad. An-Nazr was immediately beheaded by Ali on command of Muhammad (so much for freedom of expression and mercy). Ukba asked Muhammad as to why was he being executed, Muhammad replied
Because of your enmity to Allah and his prophet
To this Ukba pleaded:
And my little girl! who will take care of her?
Muhammad replied
And Ukba was cut into pieces.
Then Muhammad said to the corpse of the man:
I give thanks unto the Lord that hath slain thee, and comforted mine eyes thereby.
Life of Mahomet by William Muir, pp 229,230

The ever obliging Allah sent the justification of this cold blooded murder immediately. Allah, through his prophet has a desire for slaughter of Kuffar. Thus they have to be killed.[8:67]
It is not for a Prophet that he should have prisoners of war (and free them with ransom) until he had made a great slaughter (among his enemies) in the land. You desire the good of this world (i.e. the money of ransom for freeing the captives), but Allah desires (for you) the Hereafter. And Allah is All-Mighty, All-Wise. 
Then in verse 69, the loot money is given sanction, making it lawful for Muslims.
So enjoy what you have gotten of booty in war, lawful and good, and be afraid of Allah. Certainly, Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
After declaring that loot is a good deed for Muslims and 20% of it is for 'Allah', he goes on to define the real Muslims in verses 72 - 75:
जिन लोगों ने ईमान क़ुबूल किया और हिजरत की और अपने अपने जान माल से ख़ुदा की राह में जिहाद किया और जिन लोगों ने (हिजरत करने वालों को जगह दी और हर (तरह) उनकी ख़बर गीरी (मदद) की यही लोग एक दूसरे के (बाहम) सरपरस्त दोस्त हैं और जिन लोगों ने ईमान क़ुबूल किया और हिजरत नहीं की तो तुम लोगों को उनकी सरपरस्ती से कुछ सरोकार नहीं-यहाँ तक कि वह हिजरत एख्तियार करें और (हॉ) मगर दीनी अम्र में तुम से मदद के ख्वाहॉ हो तो तुम पर (उनकी मदद करना लाज़िम व वाजिब है मगर उन लोगों के मुक़ाबले में (नहीं) जिनमें और तुममें बाहम (सुलह का) एहदो पैमान है और जो कुछ तुम करते हो ख़ुदा (सबको) देख रहा है...और जो लोग काफ़िर हैं वह भी (बाहम) एक दूसरे के सरपरस्त हैं अगर तुम (इस तरह) वायदा न करोगे तो रूए ज़मीन पर फ़ितना (फ़साद) बरपा हो जाएगा और बड़ा फ़साद होगा...और जिन लोगों ने ईमान क़ुबूल किया और हिजरत की और ख़ुदा की राह में लड़े भिड़े और जिन लोगों ने (ऐसे नाज़ुक वक्त में मुहाजिरीन को जगह ही और उनकी हर तरह ख़बरगीरी (मदद) की यही लोग सच्चे ईमानदार हैं उन्हीं के वास्ते मग़फिरत और इज्ज़त व आबरु वाली रोज़ी है...और जिन लोगों ने (सुलह हुदैबिया के) बाद ईमान क़ुबूल किया और हिजरत की और तुम्हारे साथ मिलकर जिहाद किया वह लोग भी तुम्हीं में से हैं और साहबाने क़राबत ख़ुदा की किताब में बाहम एक दूसरे के (बनिस्बत औरों के) ज्यादा हक़दार हैं बेशक ख़ुदा हर चीज़ से ख़ूब वाक़िफ हैं

Thus Jihad is the best duty of a Muslims. This is the true Islam and true Muhammad.

Saturday, March 17, 2012


ऋग्वेद मंडल १/सूक्त ४२/मन्त्र ३ 
अप त्यं परिपन्थिनं मुषीवाणं हुरश्चितम ।
दूरमधि स्त्रुतेराज ।।

जो कोई चोर, कुटिल, पापी राक्षस तेरे मार्ग में रास्ता रोककर खड़ा हो, तू उसे पकड़ कर मार्ग से दूर फेंक दे।

ऋग्वेद मंडल ९/सूक्त ६३/मन्त्र २९  

अप घनंत्सोम रक्षसो अभ्यर्ष कनिक्रदत ।
द्युमन्तं शुष्ममुत्तमम ।।

हे वीरता के देव, राक्षसों का विध्वंस करता हुआ, गर्जता हुआ आगे बढ़। जाज्वल्यमान उत्तम बल को प्राप्त कर।

ऋग्वेद मंडल १०/सूक्त १५२/मन्त्र ३  

वि रक्षो वि मृधो जहि वि वृत्रस्य हनु रूज।
वि मन्युमिन्द्र वृत्रहन्नमित्रस्याभिसतः।।

हे वीर! राक्षसों का संहार कर, हिंसकों को कुचल डाल, दुष्ट शत्रुओं की दाढ़ें तोड़ दे। जो तुझे दास बनाना चाहते हैं, उन के क्रोध को चूर चूर कर दे।

ऋग्वेद मंडल ४ /सूक्त ४/मन्त्र ४   

उदग्रे तिष्ठ प्रत्या तनुष्व न्यामित्रां ओषतात तिग्महेते।
यो नो अरातिं समिधान चक्रे नीचा तं धक्ष्यतसं न शुष्कं ।।

हे अग्नितुल्य वीर, उठ खड़ा हो, अपने प्रभाव का विस्तार कर। तीक्ष्ण ज्वाला वाले, शत्रुओं का वध कर दे। हे दीप्तिमान, जो हमसे शत्रुता करे, उस नीच को सूखे काठ के सामान जला दे।

यजुर्वेद सूक्त ११/मन्त्र ८०  

यो अस्मभ्यमरातीयाद यश्न नो द्वेश्ते जनः।
निन्द्याद्यों अस्मान धिप्साच्च सर्वं तं मस्मसा कुरु।।

जो हमसे शत्रुता करे, जो जन हमसे द्वेष करे, जो हमारी निंदा करे और हमारी हत्या करना चाहे, हे वीर, उन सभी को तू मसल डाल।

यजुर्वेद सूक्त १५/मन्त्र ३९ 

भद्रा उत प्रशस्तयो भद्रं मनः कृष्णुष्व वृत्रतूर्ये।
येना समत्सु सासहः।।

स्मरण रहे, तेरी प्रशस्तियाँ भद्र होनी चाहियें। राक्षसों के संहार में अपने मन को भद्र बनाए रख, जिससे तू संग्रामों में शत्रुओं को सच्चे अर्थों में जीत सके।

अर्थर्ववेद मंडल १/सूक्त २१/मन्त्र 2

वि न इंद्र मृधो जहि नीचा यच्छ पृतन्यतः।
अधमं गमया तमो यो अस्मां अभिदासति ।।

हे वीर! जो हमारी हिंसा करने आये, उसे नष्ट कर दे। सेना लेकर धावा बोलनेवाले को नीचा दिखा दे। जो हमें दास बनाना चाहे, उसे घोर अन्धकार में डाल दे।

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Women - A Biblical perspective

Thursday, February 16, 2012


This is a guest post from Sh. Ram Ohri, IPS (Retd)

            A Reappraisal of  the Role of  Sufis Working as Missionaries of Islam

For centuries the Sufi creed and Sufi music have been tom tomed as great symbols of spiritualism and promoters of peace and harmony between the Hindus and the Muslims. The cleverly marketed concept of  Sufi spiritualism has been unquestioningly accepted as the hallmark of Hindu-Muslim unity.   It is time we studied the history of Sufis, tried to track the narrative of  their coming to India and analysed their explicit missionary role in promoting conversions to Islam.   More importantly, it needs to be assessed how did the Sufis conduct themselves during reckless killings and plunders by the Muslim invaders ?  Did they object to the senseless mass killings and try to prevent unremitting plunder of  Hindu temples and innocent masses?  Did the Sufis ever object to the capture of  helpless men and women as slaves and the use of  the latter as objects  of carnal pleasure ?  These are some of   the questions to which answers have to be found by every genuine student of  Indian history.  

Most Sufis came to  India either accompanying the invading armies of  Islamic marauders, or followed in the wake of  the sweeping conquests made by the soldiers of  Islam. At least the following four famous Sufis accompanied the Muslim armies which repetitively invaded India to attack the Hindu rulers, seize their kingdoms and riches and took recourse to extensive slaughtering of  the  commoners.  Almost all Sufi masters were silent spectators to the murderous mayhem and reckless plunder of  temples ands cities by the marauding hordes across the sub-continent.  Taking advantage of the fact that the Hindu masses are deeply steeped in spiritual tradition and mysticism, the Sufis used their mystic paradigm for applying sort of a healing balm on the defeated, bedegralled  and traumatized commoners with a view to converting them to the religion of the victors.  The following well-known Sufi masters came to India along with the invading Muslim armies which repetitively invaded India in wave after wave:
  1. Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti of Ajmer had accompanied the army of Shihabuddin Ghori and finally settled down at Ajmer in the year 1233 A.D 
  2.  Khawaja Qutubuddin came to Delhi in the year 1236 in the train of  Shihabuddin Ghori and stayed on to further the cause of  Islam. 
  3.  Sheikh Faridudin came to Pattan (now in Pakistan) in the year 1265.
  4. Sheikh Nizamuddin Auliya of  Dargah Hazrat Nizamuddin  came to Delhi in  the year 1335 accompanying a contingent of  the Muslim invaders.  
 Additionally,  the famous Sufi Shihabuddin Suhrawardy of  Baghdad was brought to India for carrying out the missionary work of conversions by Bahauddin Zakariya of  Multan several decades after the Hindu ruler had been defeated and the kingdom laid waste after repetitive plunder and manslaughter.  Like all Sufi masters, his main task was to apply the balm of spiritual unity on the traumatized Hindu population and then gradually persuade them to convert to Islam. Not a single Sufi, the so-called mystic saints, ever objected to the ongoing senseless manslaughter and reckless plunder, nor to the destruction of  temples, nor  for that matter to the ghoulish enslavement of  the so-called infidel men and women for sale in the bazaars of  Ghazni and Baghdad. Operating from the sidelines of spiritualism they even participated in the nitty-gritty of governance to help the Muslim rulers consolidate  their authority in the strife torn country. And significantly, their participation in the affairs of the State was not conditional upon the Muslim rulers acting in a just and even handed manner. On the contrary, the Sufis invariably tried to help the Sultans in following the path shown by the Prophet and the Shariah.  Another important objective of the spiritual and mystic preachings of the Sufi masters was to blunt the edge of Hindu resistance and prevent them from  taking up arms to defend their hearth and home, their motherland and their faith, through the façade of peace and religious harmony. The Naqashbandi Sufis had very close relations with Jahangir and Aurangzeb.    The well known Sufi Saint of  Punjab, Ahmad Sirhindi (Mujadid) of  the Naqashbandi order (1564-1634)  held that the execution of  the Sikh leader Guru Arjun Dev  by Jehangir was a great Islamic victory.  He believed and openly proclaimed that Islam and Hinduism were antithesis of  each other and therefore could not co-exist.   Even  the Chishti Sufi, Miyan Mir, who had been a friend of Guru Arjun Dev, later on  turned his back on the Sikh Guru when the latter was arrested by Jahangir and sent  for execution

It may be recalled that the great Sufi master of the eleventh century, Al Qushairi             (A.D.1072) had unambiguously declared that there was no discord between the aims of the Sufi ‘haqiqa’ and the aims of  the Sharia.  The definition given by Al Hujwiri should be able to quell any doubt about the commitment of Sufis in upholding the supremacy of the Islamic faith over all other religions.  That dogma has been the key component of  the philosophy of  Sufism not only in India, but across the world     - from India to Hispania (i.e., the Spain).  The great Sufi master, Al Hujwiri, laid down the golden rule that the words “there is no god save Allah” are the ultimate Truth, and the words “Muhammad is the Apostle of Allah” are the indisputable Law for all Sufis. In other words, the Sufism and the ulema represent the same  two aspects of the Islamic faith which are universally accepted and obeyed by all Muslims.  By definition therefore Sufi masters could be no exception. The renowned ninth century Sufi master, Al Junaid, also known as “the Sheikh of the Way”, and widely revered as the spiritual ancestor of  Sufi faith, had categorically proclaimed that for Sufis “All the mystic paths are barred, except to him who followeth in the footsteps of the Messenger (i.e., Prophet Muhammad)  [Source:  Martin Lings, What is Sufism, George Allen & Unwin Ltd, London, 1975, p.101].

As pointed out by Reynold A. Nicholson in the Preface to the famous tome,  ‘Kashaf al Mahjub’ (Taj & Co., Delhi, 1982).  “no sufis, not even those who have attained the highest degree of  holiness, are exempt from the obligation of  obeying the religious law”.  In fact, the famous tome, ‘Kashaf al Mahjub’ written by Ali bin Al-Hujwiri, who was also known as Data Ganj Baksh, was widely regarded as the grammar of  Sufi thought and practice.   Most Sufis have invariably drawn on the contents of this treatise for preaching the sufi thought ( also known as sufi silsilas). As already stated, on page 140 of  Kashaf al Mahjub Al Hujwiri loudly proclaims that “the words there is no God save Allah are Truth, and the words Muhammed is the Apostle of  Allah”  are the indisputable Law.   

K.A. Nizami in his celebrated book, The Life and Times of  Shaikh Nizamuddin Auliya (Idarah-I Adabiyat-i-Delhi, Delhi) has stated that the Auliya openly used to  say  that “what the ulama seek to achieve through speech, we achieve by our behaviour.” 
 The Auliya was a firm believer in the need for  unquestioned  obedience of every Muslim, every Sufi,  to the dictates of the ulema.  According to K.A. Nizami, another Sufi saint Jamal Qiwamu’d-din wrote that though he had been associated  with the Shaikh Nizamuddin Auliya for years, “but never did he find him missing a single sunnat …… ”.

The well known authority on Sufism,  S.A.A. Rizvi has recorded in his book, ‘A History of  Sufism in India’  that Nizamuddin Auliya used to unhesitatingly accept enormous gifts given to him by  Khusraw Barwar which implied that the Auliya was unconcerned with the source of  the gift, provided it was paid in cash. Yet the Auliya was a firm believer in the need for a Muslim’s unquestioned loyalty and obedience to the ulema.  As reiterated by K.A. Nizami, Auliya used to preach that the unbeliever is the doomed denizen of  Hell.  In his khutba he would leave no one in doubt that  Allah has created Paradise for the Believers and Hell for the infidels “in order to repay the wicked for what they have done”.   It has been categorically stated on page 161 in the famous treatise, Fawaid al-Fuad, translated by Bruce B. Lawrence (Paulist Press, New York, 1992)  that  the Auliya confirmed  on the authority of  the great Islamic jurist, Imam Abu Hanifa, that the perdition of  the unbelievers is certain and that Hell is the only abode for them, even if  they agreed to confess total loyalty to Allah on the Day of Judgment.   

In the above mentioned treatise on Sufi philosphy, Fuwaid al-Fuad,  a very interesting instance of  enslaving the kaffir Hindus for monetary gain has been cited which shows how another Sufi, Shayakh Ali Sijzi, provided financial assistance to one of his dervishes to participate in the lucrative slave trade. He had advised the dervish that he should take “these slaves to Ghazni, where the potential for profit is still greater”.  And it was confirmed by Nizamuddin Auliya that “the Dervish obeyed”.  Obviously therefore, neither spiritual ethics and nor justice to all, including the infidels, were the strong points of  Sufi saints.

If  the narrative of  the preachings  and acts of  Khawaja Moinuddin Chishti of Ajmer are taken as indication of  his religious philosophy and deeds, he emerges as a sufi master who nursed a deep hatred against the infidel Hindus and showed utter contempt for  their religious beliefs. As elaborated by S.S.A. Rizvi in ‘A History of Sufism in India, Vol. 1 (Munshiram Manoharlal, 1978, p. 117),  there is a reference in the book, Jawahar-i- Faridi,  to the fact that  when Moinuddin Chishti reached near the Annasagar Lake at Ajmer, where a number of holy shrines of  Hindus were located, he slaughtered a cow and cooked a beef  kebab at the sacred place surrounded by many temples. It is further claimed in Jawahar-i-Faridi that the Khwaja had dried the 2 holy lakes of Annasagar and Pansela by the magical heat of  Islamic spiritual power. He is even stated to have made the idol of the Hindu temple near Annasagar  recite the Kalma. The Khwaja had a burning desire to destroy the rule of the brave Rajput king, Prithviraj Chauhan, so much so that he ascribed the victory of Muhammad Ghori in the battle of  Tarain entirely to his own spiritual prowess and declared that “We have seized Pithaura alive and handed him over to the army of  Islam”. [Source: Siyar’l Auliya, cited by Rizvi on page 116 of  ‘A History of Sufism in India’].

Throughout the Muslim rule all Sufis enjoyed full confidence, royal favour and patronage of  the cruel Muslim rulers. Though foolishly accepted as “secular”  by  most Hindus seeking spiritual solace after being battered, bruised and marginalised, almost all Sufi saints dogmatically followed the commandments contained in the Quran, the Hadith and Sharia. Historians have recorded that many Sufi saints had accompanied armies of the Muslim invaders to use their spiritual powers in furtherance of  Islam’s conquests. Not one of them raised even a little finger to forbid slaughter of the innocents, nor did they question the imposition of jiziya by Muslim rulers. In fact, most of them guided the
Muslim rulers in carrying forward their mission of  conquest and conversion by furthering their campaigns of  plundering the wealth of Hindus of which many Sufis willingly partook  share. It was almost a taboo for Sufis, the so-called saints,  to accept a Hindu ascending the throne of  any kingdom during the heydays of  the Muslim rule. . In an example narrated by S.A.A. Rizvi on page 37 of  his well researched book, The Wonder That Was India (Vol.II, Rupa & Co, 1993, New Delhi)  it is pointed out that when the powerful Bengali warrior, king Ganesha, captured power in Bengal in the year 1415 A.D., Ibrahim Shah Sharqi, attacked his kingdom at the request of outraged ulema and numerous Sufis of  Bengal. In the ensuing strife, the leading Sufi of Bengal, Nur Qutb-i-Alam, interceded and secured a political agreement to the benefit of  the Muslim community and satisfaction of Sufis.  Under dire threat King Ganesha was forced to abdicate his throne in favour of  his 12 years old son, Jadu, who was converted to Islam and proclaimed as Sultan Jalaluddin  -   to the satisfaction of the Sufi masters. Similarly Sultan Ahmed Shah of Gujarat (1411-42), though a practitioner of  Sufi philosophy, was a diehard iconoclast who took delight in destroying temples, as stated in the same tome,  by S.A.A. Rizvi.  The Sultan also used to force the Rajput chieftains to marry their daughters to him so that they would become outcastes in their own community.  And the endgame of the Sultan could as well be that perhaps some of  the outcaste Rajputs might then opt to become Muslims.  

Unfortunately due to relentless colonization of the Hindu mind during 1000 years long oppressive Muslim rule, the Hindu masses till date have failed to realize that the so-called Sufi philosophy of  religious harmony is a one-way street.   This trend of Hindus praying at tombs and dargahs has been nurtured by the strong undercurrent of  belief in spiritualism among Hindu masses, even educated classes. That is the crux of the matter.  Deeply steeped in their traditional belief in spirituality and mysticism, the Hindus have developed the custom of  visiting dargahs and continue to  pray at the tombs of  Sufis.  No Muslim, nor any Sufi, has ever agreed to worship in a  Hindu temple, nor make obeisance before the images of  Hindu Gods and Godesses. For them it would be an act of  grossest sacrilege and unacceptable  violation of  the basic tenets of  Sufism.   That is the truth about the Sufi saints and their philosophy of inter-religious harmony.   

Related posts:
Sufi Sayyid Ali Hamdani
Sufi Moin-ud-deen Chishti
Sufi Muhammad Ghaus
Sufi Amir Khusro

Saturday, January 21, 2012


The page on wikipedia about Sayyid Ali Hamadani tells us that:
He is said to have converted nearly 37,000 persons during his stay in Kashmir and Ladakh,through his peaceful means and miracles.
Peaceful means.


The very fact that it has to be written that  he used 'peaceful means and miracles' should be an indication.

Indication to what ?

Well. Indication that some liar is at work. And he wants us not to look at the real face. 

Surely, Sayyid Ali Hamdani was a Sufi. He came from Hamdan in fourteenth century. Like all other Sufis, his duty was propagation of his creed, i.e. Islam. And like all others of his ilk, he did a pretty good job. 
More information from wikipedia:
He was a social reformer besides being a preacher...The Zakhirat-ul-Maluk is a renowned book written by him in which he postulates the treatment of Muslims and Kafirs by the king in the ninth chapter
Just wonderful. So, we have a sufi, who is a social reformer and so thoughtful that he instructs the king about the ways in which Muslims and Kafirs are to be treated. Let us look at these instructions by the 'saint'.
  1. Hindus will not build any new idol temples.
  2. They will not rebuild any existing temple which may have fallen into disrepair. 
  3. Muslim travellers will not be prevented from staying in the temples.
  4. Muslim travellers will be provided hospitality by Zimmis in their own houses for three days.
  5. Zimmis will neither act as spies nor give spies shelter in their houses.
  6. If any zimmi is inclined towards Islam, he should not be prevented from doing so.
  7. Zimmis will respect Muslims.
  8. Zimmis will courteously receive a Muslim wishing to attend their meeting.
  9. Zimmis will not dress like Muslims.
  10. Zimmis will not take Muslim names.
  11. Zimmis must not ride horses with saddle and bridle.
  12. Zimmis should not have swords, bows or arrows.
  13. Zimmis should not wear signet rings.
  14. Zimmis should not openly sell or drink liquor.
  15. Hindus should not abandon their traditional dress, which is a sign of their ignorance, so that they can be distinguished from Muslims.
  16. Zimmis should not openly practice traditional Hindu or Vedic customs amongst Muslims.
  17. HIndus will not build their houses in the neighbourhood of Muslims.
  18. Hindus should not bury or carry their dead near Muslim grave-yards.
  19. Hindus will not mourn their dead loudly.
  20. They will not buy Muslim slaves.
Now, those of you, who do not know the meaning of 'Zimmi', it means a person who has to pay a tax to survive in an Islamic state. The tax is known as Jizya. The 'holy' Quran, which is the source of this 'saintly' tax, throws light for us:
Fight against the People given the Book(s) who do not accept faith in Allah and the Last Day, and who do not treat as forbidden what is forbidden by Allah and by His Noble Messenger, and who do not follow the true religion, until they pay the tariff with their own hands with humiliation. 
Quran Chapter 9, verse 29 (translation by Ahmed Reza Khan)

For a better idea about Jizya, read the story of another such scumbag (sickulars will hate me for this) called Amir Khusro.

The Muslims that we see in India, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh are the off springs of those Hindu forefathers, who were forcibly converted to Islam by such monsters, nowadays marketed as 'sufis'. The day they will be brave enough to accept that it was a cruel quirk of fate that forced them to be born as Muslims, they will feel liberated.

The mindset of these monsters was same as that of Taliban today but the evil nexus of Islamists, Evangelists, Communists and Nehruvites marketed them successfully. In fact, so successfully that one finds intellectually lazy Hindus proclaiming them to be at par with genuine saints like Guru Nanak, Guru Namdev, Kabir etc. The bogey of Bhakti movement was shrewdly used to club monsters alongwith saints.

Anyway, back to our 'loving saint'. 

Remember the Bamiyan Buddhas destroyed by the Taliban a few years back ?

Oooops. I agains talked about Taliban instead of our sufi 'saint'. That is because the site where we have a Khanqah of this 'faqir', used to be Kalishwari temple, a temple dedicated to 'Kali devi' which the 'sufi saint' helped in demolishing.
 Historian S.A.A. Rizvi, 'A history of sufism in India', pp 295-96 (vol. 1)

Now you must have got a fair idea of the 'peaceful means and miracles' of 'Islamic saint' a.l.a. Taliban. 

One more thing. The same wikipedia link further tells us:
Later on his son,who preached in Kashmir for 18 years, during the reign of Sultan Sikander, completed his job. Some of his descendants still live in Kashmir.
Completed his job !

Are you getting the drift ?

This Sultan Sikandar is also known as 'Sikandar Butshikan', which literally means 'Sikandar the Idol breaker'. 
That will put the euphemism 'completed his job' in perspective. Hamdani was as full of bigotry as the rest of sufis. He had migrated with 700 Sayyids like him and all of them spread to different parts of Kashmir. That was when Kashmir turned from a peaceful Hindu region to an Islamic one.

So, next time you plan to visit the grave of a monster, or appreciate some musical notes to be 'sufiana', think about the ideology you are unsuspectingly promoting.

 Related posts
Moin-ud-deen Chishti
Muhammad Ghaus
Amir Khusro

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


One of the most sincere and honest historians of our country, Shri Sita Ram Goel has catalogued about 2,000 temples (Hindu temples: What happened to them - 2) demolished in our country by Islamic monsters to erect Mosques on them. He acknowledges that it is a partial list. After listing the attacks by Islamic monsters on Gujarat, this is what he has to say about the Hindus.
The only conclusion that can be drawn from the evidence is that either the Hindus of Gujarat had a very short memory or that they did not understand at all the inspiration at the back of these invasions. The temple of Somnath which stood, after the invasion of Mahmûd of Ghazni in AD 1026, as a grim reminder of the character of Islam, had also failed to teach them any worthwhile lesson. Nor did they visualize that the Muslim settlements in their midst could play a role other than that of carrying on trade and commerce.
The foreign merchants turned Muslims had continued to do business and amass wealth as in the earlier days. But the leadership in the Muslim settlements had now passed into the hands of the missionaries of Islam known as Sufis, Walîs, Dirvishes and by several other high-sounding names. The sole occupation of these missionaries was to see the frontiers of Dãr al-Islãm extend towards Gujarat. All Muslims in Gujarat were now expected to serve as the eyes and ears of the Caliphate which had started on a career of imperialist aggression in all directions. Gujarat had had a taste of this aggression earlier than any other part of India. As the armies of Islam marched towards the land frontiers of India in Makran and Seistan, Indian ports on the West Coast became targets for the newly created Islamic navy. 
My focus is on two points in this conclusion. Firstly, that it applies to the Hindus all over our country. They have become so moronic that they are unable to see the real face of this creed. Secondly, the inherent good nature of Hindus has turned them into morons who try to paint a 'saintly' image of Sufis. 

As rightly said by Sh. Sita Ram Goel, the bigots, who are nowadays called sufis had a fancy for long and fancy names. Look at the full name of a sufi 'saint' called Muhammad Ghaus. It is
रैसुल्कामेलीन सुल्तानुल औलिया गॉस उल आलम ख्वाजा हाजी हमीदुद्दीन बिन खातीरुद्दीन अत्तारियुल शत्तारियुल उर्फ़ हज़रात मोहम्मद गॉस ग्वालिअरी  (RAISULKAMELIN SULTANUL AULIA GAUS UL AALAM KHWAZA HAJI HAMMIDUDDIN BIN KHATIRUDDIN ATTARIYUL SHATTARIYUL Urf Hazrat Mohammed Gaus Gwaliory).
Contrast them with the धार्मिक saints like गौतम बुद्ध, महावीर, नामदेव, तुकाराम, गुरु रामदास, गुरु नानक, कबीर, तुलसीदास. I can still add a few names, and even then, the list will be shorter,  then the name of a single sufi windbag. 

The sufis had to rely on such fancy names to hide the hollowness of their creed.

True to the character of Sufis, this one was living in Gwalior fort and was providing inside information to Babur to attack the fort and establish Islam in the hitherto peaceful Gwalior. For his treachery to those who had allowed him to stay in Gwalior, and service to Babur, he has been mentioned in the memoirs of Babar i.e. Babarnama. That was in year 1527. 

It is time we started telling the truth to one and all, while promoting the graves of these persons, which are sitting on demolished temples.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


This is one of the most heart rending letters written by victims on their helplessness. This letter was written by the women of Malabar about five months after the moplah riots had started by the muslim moplah community of Malabar, Kerala. These riots started on 1st of August, 1921, exactly one year after the death of Sh. Bal Gangadhar Tilak. After the death of Tilak, M.K. Gandhi had acquired prominence in Congress and along with the notorious Ali brothers had started what is known as Khilafat movement. One of the promises made at the start of the movement was 'self rule' in one year. And exactly after one year, these riots broke out. To know why this movement was anti national, pro British, anti muslims and anti Hindu, read about the reality of the khilafat movement.

The moplah muslims, according to the contemporary news reports, started an orgy of loot, murder and rapine on Hindus. What is ironic is that the word 'moplah' means son-in-law in Malayalam. The reason for the name of the community is that the muslim traders came from Arab in eighth century and settled in Kerala. With time, they married the local women and became permanent settlers there. Hence the name. For them self rule meant rule of Islam and for Islam all those who are not muslims are kafir (काफ़िर) . They are either to be killed or converted to Islam. Their wives, children and properties belong to the killer of 'kafirs'.

It was in this background, the terrible riots took place. Here is the petition which the women of Malabar sent to the 'countess of reading'.

Her Gracious Excellency

The humble memorial of the bereaved and sorrow stricken women of Malabar.

May it please your gracious and compassionate ladyship.

We, the Hindu women of Malabar of varying ranks and stations in life who have recently been overwhelmed by the tremendous catastrophe known as the Moplah rebellion, take the liberty to supplicate your Ladyship for sympathy and succour.

2. Your Ladyship is doubtless aware that though our unhappy district has witnessed many Moplah outbreaks in the course of the last one hundred years, the present rebellion is unexampled in its magnitude as well as unprecedented in its ferocity. But it is possible that your ladyship is not fully appraised of all the horrors and atrocities perpetrated by the fiendish rebels ;of the many wells and tanks filled up with the mutilated, but often only half dead bodies of our nearest and dearest ones who refused to abandon the faith of our fathers;
of pregnant women cut to pieces and left on the roadsides and in the jungles, with the unborn babe protruding from the mangled corpse ;
of our innocent and helpless children torn from our arms and done to death before our eyes
and of our husbands and fathers tortured, flayed and burnt alive ;
of our hapless sisters forcibly carried away from the midst of kith and kin and subjected to every shame and outrage which the vile and brutal imagination of these inhuman hell-hounds could conceive of ;
of thousands of our homesteads reduced to cinder- mounds out of sheer savagery and a wanton spirit of destruction ;
of our places of worship desecrated and destroyed
and of the images of the deity shamefully insulted by putting the entrails of slaughtered cows where flower garlands used to lie.
or else smashed to pieces ;
of the wholesale looting of hard earned wealth of generations reducing many who were formerly rich and prosperous to publicly beg for a piece or two in the streets of Calicut, to buy salt or chilly or betel-leaf — rice being mercifully provided by the various relief agencies. These are not fables.

The wells full of rotting skeletons, the ruins which once were our dear homes, the heaps of stones which once were our places of worship — these are still here to attest to the truth. The cries of our murdered children in their death agonies are still ringing in our ears and will continue to haunt our memory till death brings us peace. We remember how driven out of our native hamlets we wandered starving and naked in the jungles and forests. We remember how we choked and stifled our babies' cries lest the sound should betray our hiding places to our relentless pursuers.
We still vividly realise the moral and spiritual agony that thousand of us passed through when we were forcibly converted into the faith professed by these blood thirsty miscreants ; we still have before us the sight of the unendurable and life long misery of those — fortunately few —of our most unhappy sisters who born and brought up in respectable families have been forcibly converted and then married to convict coolies. For five long months not a day has passed without its dread tale of horror to unfold.

3. Your gracious Ladyship's distracted memorialists have endeavoured without exaggeration, without setting down aught in malice to convey at least some idea of the indescribably terrible agonies which they and thousands more of their sisters have been enduring for over five months now through this reign of inhuman (rightfulness inaugurated and carried on in the name of the Khilafat. We have briefly referred without going into their harrowing details to our heart rending tale of dishonour, outrage, rapine, and desolation. But if the past has been one of pain and anguish, the future is full of dread and gloom. We have to return to a ruined and desolated land. Our houses have been burnt or destroyed ; may of our breadwinners killed ; all our property looted ; our cattle slaughtered. Repatriation without compensation means for us ruin, beggary, starvation. Will not the benign Government come to our aid and give us something to help us to begin life anew? We are now asked to settle down as paupers in the midst of the execrable Sends who robbed, insulted and murdered our loved ones — veritable demons such as hell itself could not let loose. Many of us shrink from the idea of going back to what there is left of our homes; for though the armed bands and rebels have been dispersed the rebellion cannot be said to be entirely quelled. It is like a venomous serpent whose spine has been partly broken, but whose poison fangs are still intact and whose striking power, if diminished, has not been destroyed. A few thousands of rebels have been killed and a few more thousands have been imprisoned, but as the Government are only too well aware many more thousands of rebels, looters, savagely militant evangelists and other inhuman monsters yet remain at large, a few in concealment, but most, moving about with arrogance openly threatening reprisals on all non-moslims who dare to return and resume possession of their property. Many refugees who went back have paid for their temerity with their lives. In fact, repatriation, if it is not to be a leap from the frying pan into the fire, must mean for the vast bulk of your Ladyship's impoverished and helpless memorialists and their families a hard inexorable problem of financial help, and adequate protection against renewed hellish outrages from which immunity would be utterly impossible as long as thousands of men and even wom6n and children of this semi-savage and fanatical race in whom the worst instinct of earth hunger, blood-lust and rapine have been awakened to fierce activity- are free to prey upon their peaceable and inoffensive neighbours who — let it be most respectfully emphasized — because of their implicit trust in the power an I the will of a just and benign Government to protect them, had suffered their own art and capacity for self defence to emasculate and decay.

4. We, Your Ladyship's humble and sorrow-stricken memorialists do not seek vengeance. Our misery will not be rendered less by inflicting similar misery upon this barbarous and savage race; our dead will not return to us if these slayers are slaughtered. We would not be human, however, if we could ever forget the cruel and shameful outrages and indignities perpetrated upon us by a race to whom we have always endeavoured to be friendly and neigbourly! we would be hypocritical if, robbed of all our possessions we did not plead for some measure of compensation to help us out of the pauperism now forced upon us; we would be imbecile, if knowing the ungovernable, anti-social propensities and the deadly religious fanaticism of the raoplah race v.e did not entreat the just and powerful government to protect the lives and honour of our humble sisters who have to live in the rebel-ravaged zone. Our ambition after all is low enough ; sufficient compensation to save us and our children from starvation, and enough military protection against massacre and outrage are all that we want. We beseech Your Compassionate Ladyship to exercise all the benevolent influence that you possess with the government to see that our humble prayers are granted. But if the benign Government does not consider it possible to compensate us and to protect us in our native land we would most fervently pray that free grants of land may be assigned to us in some neighbouring region which though less blessed with the lavish gifts of nature may also be less cursed by the cruelty and brutality of man.

We beg to remain
Your Ladyship's most humble and obedient servants.
Since then there have been scores of riots throughout the country, including the infamous noakhali riots in which similar treatment was meted out to the hindu women of Bengal. The ferocity of this outrage was surpassed during the second partition of the भारतवर्ष in 1947. It seems that we have not learnt anything from our history. That is why we are witnessing the same distressing signals in Kashmir, West Bengal and Kerala. 

I request everybody to read Qur'an to find out the root cause of the behaviour of Muslims.

It was Mohammad, the prophet of Islam, who set the example for Muslims to kill काफिर husbands to get their wives. The same is emphasized in Qur'an. His 'wife' Juwairiyya was also one such woman.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


The citizens of our country hold renunciation in high esteem. The shining examples of this tradition have a long list. Starting from मर्यादा पुरुषोत्तम राम to गौतम बुद्ध and गुरु नानक.

Thus when Arvind Kejriwal burst on the national scene, the nation was in raptures. Here was a man, who quit his cozy and prestigious job, to work for the betterment of the society. His articulate and 'in the face' mannerism appealed to the nation. 

Remember the adage:
When something sounds too good to be true, it normally is.
Let us look at the hard facts. Remember how the media created the atmosphere about the 'empire' of Baba Ramdev. The orchestrated vilification campaign by the channels was to show that Baba Ramdev could not be an honest person because he owned a vast empire. The same media, made cosmetic noise about the use or abuse of funds by IAC, which was controlling the Anna campaign. The rigor with which mud was being hurled at Swami Ramdev was missing for Arvind Kejriwal.

Just a glance at the website of his organization Kabir gives us the idea about the entities who are running the entire show. According to this site, the bulk of the funding comes from two entities: Ford foundation and AID. For all the six years of its existence, these foreign agencies have been doling out funds to the social reformer. The amount is about 1,65,00,000/- from Ford and about 45,00,000/- from AID.
But there is a little surprise. Although the title of the page on which this information has been displayed, is titled transparency at Kabir, it is silent about the funding of 2011. One major chunk of this funding, which is not visible on their website can be found at the site of Ford foundation. The amount is 2,00,000 USD, which would be a neat one crore rupees.


So What ? One might ask.
And one might answer that the source of funding should be immaterial if it is for a good cause.

To get a better perspective, Arvind is talking about Swaraj. 



The term was used by the great maratha fighter Shivaji Maharaj and has been used to instill a passion for nationalism by Tilak, Gokhale, Lala ji, and Gandhi ji. They were all patriots. To them and to billion plus countrymen, Swaraj means freedom from alien rulers.

It is comic and tragic at the same time that 'Anna ka Arjun', as corporate media wants us to believe Arvind to be, is planning swaraj on the strength of American dollars. Here is what the line of Kabir reads.
this movement is aimed at making the dream of Gandhi real
Arvind wants us to believe that the corporates which have a culture of 'there is never a free lunch' will fund a revolution for swaraj.
He and the media channels might have succeeded in creating this charade, but for the internet. 
Anyway, let us look at the entities who are pumping money to create a new poster boy. Since I have touched on the anti India and Jihadi activities of AID in one of my earlier post, let us talk about Ford Foundation first.

Ford foundation is the behemoth which acts as a front of CIA. It has been doing it for more then seven decades. Let me remind my friends about the modus operandi of CIA and FF. During the cold war era, communism had to be attacked and decimated as it was against imperialism. Persons from different fields, especially from arts and journalism were heavily funded. Their job was to malign communism. An entity called Congress for Cultural Freedom was created. On the face of it, it was to promote art and culture but the aim was to attack communism. The racket was successful initially but the secret came out. When it was established that CIA was funding the CCF, Ford foundation stepped in to present its front. The document below is a declassified document from the US government and tells us about the relation between CIA and FF.

 Do you get the picture?


That is probably because you have not figured out the meaning of CA. It stands for 'Covert Action'.


Yes sir. The same CA is being performed in our country. Of course, now the CIA agents do not have to carry weapons, which can be problematic. The enemy can be defeated with the help of TV channels.

If you have got the drift of what it means, then two doubts will still linger.

First, may be that was one off chance and far back in the bad age of 'cold war', therefore in present age, it looks like a long shot or a conspiracy theory. Second, if it is so, then who is the enemy.
For answer to both the questions, think about communism. Why had it to be defeated ?

Although communism is not an ideology worthy to be emulated but its survival would have meant a threat to the culture of greed which is in built into imperialism and corporates. And Church. It was a matter of survival between two warring ideologies.

In our country, which ideology can be a threat to evangelical imperialism ?


Hard to believe ?

I know !

Do a small exercise for yourself. The link of FF, which I have provided above, tells us that it is funding more then 350 ventures in our country. Enter the word 'Hindu' in the search box and you will find no grants. Not even for Kashmiri Hindus. 

Why is it that these corporate honchos, sitting in US, have never heard of the plight of about five hundred thousand persons ? 

The answer is that it is not 'love for humanity'. It is war.

Of course, Arvind has to earn the dollars. He did it very smartly. He stole the show from Baba Ramdev with the help of Channels. He has been systematically de-hinduising the movement in which Anna is acting as a mascot. Check out the back drop of all the three events.

In April, the backdrop showed my beloved भारत माता, then the maoists, evangelists, communists and Jihadis put their foot down. The next step was replace भारत माता with Gandhi ji. But that still was more of a Hindu icon. The next step was to add bigots like Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad.

But still, it was not sufficient. The next step was as expected.

He who pays the piper, calls the tune.

It can only happen in our country. 82% Hindus can be ignored to appease a fistful of anti nationals who will keep opposing भारत माता and वन्दे मातरम्.

Thanks to internet which helped the nation to see through the game of such 'mercenary activists'.

As for the activities of AID, read about its activities here and here.

Upto what extent is Anna privy to these subversive activities, only he can tell.