According to the Jesuit extreme oath of Induction, those who are loyal to pope, are trained to act as dissembler. Now, a dissembler is one who disguises or conceals his real nature, motives or feeling behind a false appearance. In other words, these guys are trained to cheat.
The above news item has four pictures. They are showing cops standing guard in front of a church, broken window panes of a church through which one can see some persons sitting as if praying, another smashed window and one place where some vandalism seems to have taken place.
Then the content of the item tells us that the newly elected BJP government had asked a former Judge Mr. Somasekhara to investigate the attacks on some churches in Karnataka and the judge absolved the state machinery and sangh parivar, of the attacks.
But report by another former Judge of High court has reported the opposite
Justice MF Saldanha conducted an independent inquiry and says the state police was involved in the attacks
Now what would gullible readers conclude from the news item? That both reports are by Judges but since the former is appointed by the government and the other is independent, therefore the independent report is more credible. Thus Karnataka police is anti Christian and so is the BJP government.
Moreover, Justice M.F. Saldanha has categorically stated that
any commission or inquiry set up by the government to investigate its own actions in unlikely to be impartial.
A daring statement by a daring Judge, who is so impartial that he decided on his own to conduct an inquiry. Must be a really sensitive and passionate soul.
Let us go a little deeper. Did you notice the initials of the independent judge. M.F. They stand for Michael Francis.
So what, you might ask. You are right in asking the question because he can be an honest and impartial judge, even if he is a christian. Well, this guy is the President of Catholic Union of south Kanara. Howzzat? For an impartial judge. Now, let us apply his logic on his actions:
any commission or inquiry by the president of a fundamentalist organization, which is also one of the involved parties is unlikely to be impartial.
Now, as far as his sensitivity and compassion are concerned, he was in the forefront in opposing the bill against cow slaughter. For that he joined hands with Muslim organizations with the bogey that the bill was an effort to control the eating habits of the minorities. Can it get any more ridiculous then this?
If that is not enough, then, here is a gem from this independent judge which can be found on the site of international institute of religious freedom. The intentions of this institute can be gauged from the fact that they are not showing in the map, Kashmir as a part of our nation.
Brahmins from Udupi district and Mangalore city have played a leading role in Karnataka's Hindutva movement. This is unsurprising, as Hindu nationalism is driven primarily by Brahmins desperate to preserve caste privilege. As those at the very top of the Hindu caste system, powerful Brahmins have the most to lose from any spread of Christian egalitarianism. So they are compelled to fight Christianity -- unless of course, the Holy Spirit transforms and humbles their hearts
Exactly the line of Christian missionaries. What this former judge is conveying is that Hindu nationalism is bad because it is primarily driven by Brahmins. Such a vitriolic statement against an entire community. Wow! I hope, for the sake of humanity, that we don't have others of such propensity sitting in High courts?
Even more interesting is the word Christian egalitarianism. Egalitarianism, according to dictionary, means -
a social system in which everyone has equal status and the same money and opportunities.
Firstly, about the money part. I guess the learned judge has shared his riches with other poor Christians. Have you, my lord?
Now, regarding equal status in egalitarian Christianity, the biblical God can give best answer to that. For that check in Here.
Coming back to Prannoy JAMES Roy's NDTV story. Yes. That is his middle name. Whether it is part of the notorious trick of Jesuits' dissimilitude or a coincidence, I do not know. But he sure did hide the ugly face of the 'peaceful protesters' who were attacking the cops with stones and soft drink bottles.
Coming back to Prannoy JAMES Roy's NDTV story. Yes. That is his middle name. Whether it is part of the notorious trick of Jesuits' dissimilitude or a coincidence, I do not know. But he sure did hide the ugly face of the 'peaceful protesters' who were attacking the cops with stones and soft drink bottles.

They don't look like pious women praying and kneeling. Do they?
But if you watch only NDTV, you might be wondering about the docility of Christians and Brutality of BJP government.
Well researched fearless blog.
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely brilliant.
Very Well Written! Christianity is a proselytizing religion!
ReplyDeleteMany Christians in Indiain all spheres hide their Christian ID but they r highly radical n force their evangelical agenda in guise.
ReplyDeleteMany Christians in Indiain all spheres hide their Christian ID but they r highly radical n force their evangelical agenda in guise.
ReplyDeleteAll Abrahamic followers have an agenda..very well researched.. double thumbs up.
ReplyDeleteCan we reproduce this post on
ReplyDeleteMy mother had a Christian private nurse through an agency. While she was good at her job, I was shocked when she refused to accept Prasad being offered by my mother. She said we are not allowed to accept Prasad. All my three children, my wife and I, have studied from Convent Schools. They made us sing Christian hymns and took us to Church at times and my daughters even sang in the choir. Neither my parents, nor I stopped any of this. It set me thinking. The more I proved, the more I realised how conversions were taking place in India in the name of Freedom of Religion. Even after the Supreme Court held that freedom of religion did not mean freedom to convert, it continued under the UPA, in the guise of giving a religion to tribals, who they said are people without any religion. The fact was that these were very poor people, in the interiors who were financially influenced and who were being shown in the census as tribals so that they could be legally converted. I have come across some very good natured Christians during my life time. But after I learnt all this, doubts have come into my mind even about them. The foreign missionaries who are remote-controling all this, are doing a great dis-service to indian Christians, as they will eventually be isolated from the mainstream !