I really envy these security forces guys. They are posted in Kashmir, which used to be a paradise. They are really having fun there. I hope you can see the wide grin on the face of the BSF jawan lying on the ground, as he is surrounded by innocent 'civilians'. Do you also envy him his job?
But then, I am not the only one who is envious. And unlike me, who is just satisfied with pounding the keyboard to vent my envy, there are some who really take action.
One of them is Prashant Bhushan.
Don't tell me that you do not know, who Prashant Bhushan is?
He is the new poster boy of the civil society.
Because he talks about human rights, silly. He got so worried about the violation of rights of 'civilians' that he, with a bunch of like minded 'human rights guys' and also 'gals' went all the way from Delhi to the heart of action.
Kashmir, that is.
They call themselves a group by the name of 'Center for Policy analysis'. Here is the link. They are of the opinion that in the summer of 2010, when the civilians were protesting peacefully, the monsters in uniform have killed 118 civilians.
Kashmir, that is.
They call themselves a group by the name of 'Center for Policy analysis'. Here is the link. They are of the opinion that in the summer of 2010, when the civilians were protesting peacefully, the monsters in uniform have killed 118 civilians.
Look at the faces of these peaceful protesters. And also look at the fear in the eyes of the woman throwing stone at the forces.
Do you get the picture?
May be the security forces killed some innocent Kashmiris in fake encounters. May be he is right in filing a case in the supreme court of our country regarding the atrocities committed by the rogue elements in the forces.
If that is the case, every right minded citizens should support the cause. But, the sense of justice should be equally applicable for Kashmiri pandits also, who have been the worst of sufferers. I will come to this point later. But first about Pakistan.
I am much younger then Prashant Bhushan but I have begun to realize that I am old fashioned compared to this eminent votary of human rights.
Let me explain. I think that anybody who says that we as a nation need to talk with Pakistan on Kashmir should be tried for treason and sedition because it is our internal matter and Pakistan has no role to meddle in it. But our eminent lawyer is pretty broadminded on this count also. Sample this:
Do you get the picture?
May be the security forces killed some innocent Kashmiris in fake encounters. May be he is right in filing a case in the supreme court of our country regarding the atrocities committed by the rogue elements in the forces.
If that is the case, every right minded citizens should support the cause. But, the sense of justice should be equally applicable for Kashmiri pandits also, who have been the worst of sufferers. I will come to this point later. But first about Pakistan.
I am much younger then Prashant Bhushan but I have begun to realize that I am old fashioned compared to this eminent votary of human rights.
Let me explain. I think that anybody who says that we as a nation need to talk with Pakistan on Kashmir should be tried for treason and sedition because it is our internal matter and Pakistan has no role to meddle in it. But our eminent lawyer is pretty broadminded on this count also. Sample this:
“Our role is to facilitate a dialogue between Kashmir, India and Pakistan,” Bhushan said.
What the ----? Prashant ji, are you representing some international agency which has jurisdiction over India and Pakistan.
Considering the fact that this was his second visit to the valley, perhaps next time he might suggest us to talk to China and Bangladesh also. After all, the more the merrier.
Considering the fact that this was his second visit to the valley, perhaps next time he might suggest us to talk to China and Bangladesh also. After all, the more the merrier.
The group has also realized that it is a religious problem and not of Islamic terror called Jihad. But the posters that the Kashmiri pandits read, had something like this to say.
This is typical Islamic Jihad in which, Infidels (काफिर) should be killed and their women should be kept as concubines by Muslim men.
Still our 'eminent lawyer' sees this as a political problem.
The group said Kashmir was a political problem and should be addressed according to the democratic aspirations of people of Kashmir, India and Pakistan.
Exactly the line of divisive rascals like Geelani and Yaseen Malik. And why not?
Because, they had a closed door meeting with all such rascals on their visit. The typical game plan is that while Islamic Jihadis are killing, raping and terrorizing the bloody काफिर कौम, their propaganda machinery should lull the remaining citizenry into the hullabaloo that it is a political problem.
All of us have blind spot, about the size of a small pea. But these guys have been provided a very large one. Not only the suffering of the security forces is not visible to them but they missed the lakhs of Kashmiri Pandits living in their own country as refugees. May be they are not to be counted as humans and thus have no human rights. Am I right Prashant ji? 118 civilians were visible to you but you were unable to hear or see the anguish of lakhs of Kashmiri Pandits, killed, looted, ousted, raped and reduced to penury in their own country. But then, there are no Islamic, petro dollar slushed organizations willing to sponsor such a visit to the ghettos where Kashmiri pandits are living.
Depending on your opinion, you could call him anti Hindu or pro Muslim. But if you have been bugged by the strange secularist's bug, you might call him biased, at least. May be he is the kind of persons who do not like blaming a particular religion and its ideology. May be.
Not strangely, our eminent lawyer finds himself in the esteemed company of Arundhati Roy, Cedric Prakash, John Dayal, Praful Bidwai and Teesta Setalvaad. What they all have in common is their ability to magnify the sufferings of one community and ignoring those of the other. The others have been dealt with here. In this post I will talk about Prashsant ji only.
In his articles subsequent to the Gujarat riots, he talks about '2000 Muslims' killed in a state 'pogrom'. The article is here. His words are:
Again there is not a single word about the 254 Hindus killed. May be, like Kashmiri Pandits, they also had no human rights.
Then, he seems to be a high quality psychologist or behavioral scientist also. So, he talks about 'Hindutva fascist forces'. This is what he says in the company of similar conference loving folks (this group goes by the name Anhad) in 2008:-
Now that we know from the court judgement that 59 Hindus were roasted alive by Jihadi terrorists by using petrol as an accelerant, our psychologist is mum. One just wonders where are his analytical skills? No fascism and no menace from our Muslim brethren, who gathered in thousands around a bogey, shouted Islamic slogans, poured petrol and set trapped women, children and men ablaze.
Blaming Hindu ideology is easy because no one is going to issue a fatwa but Islam should be handled with care because Fatwa is always on the way. A smart and brave lawyer.
If you thought that he is just a gifted lawyer and psychologist, you are in for a surprise. He is also an expert on forensics and is capable of announcing before even the investigating agencies have given a verdict. Here is what he says. February 2011,
It seems that the 'eminent lawyer' knows more then even the terrorists. Probably, apart from proficiency in law, psychology, behavioral science and forensics, he has got the gift of extra sensory perception also.
What happened in Batla house encounter according to Prashant Bhushan is a reaction to Gujarat pogrom.
Oh sorry! that was a political problem. I forgot, 'eminent human rights votary' sir.
Once you become an intellectual mercenary, it is easy to hide your true colors from simpletons like Anna Hazare and Swami Ramdev. Will they be able to see through the game of deception?
Just Wondering!
Related posts -
Arvind Kejriwal - The real face.
Anna and UPA - Who is helping who.
Anna What a mess you have made.
Not strangely, our eminent lawyer finds himself in the esteemed company of Arundhati Roy, Cedric Prakash, John Dayal, Praful Bidwai and Teesta Setalvaad. What they all have in common is their ability to magnify the sufferings of one community and ignoring those of the other. The others have been dealt with here. In this post I will talk about Prashsant ji only.
In his articles subsequent to the Gujarat riots, he talks about '2000 Muslims' killed in a state 'pogrom'. The article is here. His words are:
Consider the situation in Gujarat. More than 2000 Muslims were killed in a state-abetted pogrom which went on for months.and again here :
More than 2,000 Muslims were killed in a statewide genocide which went on for days, with the apparent complicity of the state police and government. Lakhs lost their homes.Firstly, about the numbers. The UPA government, which has every thing to gain by painting the Modi government as a Muslim killing machine by conducting, in terms of Prashant Bhushan, pogrom and genocide. They have officially declared that 254 Hindus and 790 Muslims were killed in the riots. UPA might have increased the number of Muslims and reduced the number of Hindus for their own motives. Let us assume that UPA consists of truthful (?) angels and stick to their number. Still one wonders at the fantastic figure of 2000 being hollered by 'eminent supreme court lawyer'.
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A hindu child roasted by Muslim mob |
Again there is not a single word about the 254 Hindus killed. May be, like Kashmiri Pandits, they also had no human rights.
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The bogey that was surrounded and burnt with women and children inside |
Then, he seems to be a high quality psychologist or behavioral scientist also. So, he talks about 'Hindutva fascist forces'. This is what he says in the company of similar conference loving folks (this group goes by the name Anhad) in 2008:-
Another legal luminary and fellow advocate in the Supreme Court, Prashant Bhushan, referred to the menacing rise of Hindutva fascist forces that have started resorting to terror bomb blasts and are threatening to export what they consider as the ‘Gujarat model’ of genocidal attacks on minorities to the rest of the country. In this regard, he pointed out how scores of innocent Muslims have been arrested and languish in jail for bomb attacks for which they have no responsibility at all, and in this the police, the intelligence agencies and influential sections of the media are in league with Hindutva forces and the state.So, Hindutva is menacing to him but Islamic Jehad is not.
Now that we know from the court judgement that 59 Hindus were roasted alive by Jihadi terrorists by using petrol as an accelerant, our psychologist is mum. One just wonders where are his analytical skills? No fascism and no menace from our Muslim brethren, who gathered in thousands around a bogey, shouted Islamic slogans, poured petrol and set trapped women, children and men ablaze.
Blaming Hindu ideology is easy because no one is going to issue a fatwa but Islam should be handled with care because Fatwa is always on the way. A smart and brave lawyer.
If you thought that he is just a gifted lawyer and psychologist, you are in for a surprise. He is also an expert on forensics and is capable of announcing before even the investigating agencies have given a verdict. Here is what he says. February 2011,
Amazing skill as a detective. What he forgot or deliberately ignored was the fact that SIMI terrorist Nagori had already made a confession during his Narco test. This is what he told the FSL team in Bangalore (Pioneer has the report and the excerpts are here)
The well-known legal activist Prashant Bhushan pointed out that in almost all cases of terror acts, innocent people, mostly Muslims, have been arrested by the police. Even in cases such as the Mecca Masjid (Hyderabad), Malegaon, Ajmer and Samjhauta Express blasts, which are now said to have been the handiwork of Hindutva forces, large numbers of innocent Muslims, accused by the police of being involved, continue to languish in prison. The media continues to remain indifferent to their plight. The police, for its part, he said, was ‘extremely communalized’, and deeply anti-Muslim, which explained why many policemen had no qualms at all about falsely implicating innocent Muslims in terror cases. Communalisation, Bhushan claimed, had even affected the courts. He argued for the need for the state to recruit only such people as police officers and judges who were not communal, and who had not been members of any communal organization.
In the Samjhauta Express blasts, some persons from Pakistan had come and they had purchased the suitcase cover at Kataria Market, Indore. One person from (SIMI) Tanzeem had helped them to get the suitcase cover stitched. SIMI leader Abdul Razak had helped the Pakistanis in the Samjhauta Express blasts.Thus, our 'activist' is in apparently in connivance with the present UPA to tarnish the Hindu civilization by dragging the name in Samjhauta and Malegaon blasts. Not only Samjhauta blast,
Nagori and his associates have also confessed to SIMI’s role and involvement of Muslims in terror attacks in Mumbai, Aurangabad, Hyderabad, Ajmer and the shootout at the American consulate in KolkataAlthough none of the 'Hindu terrorists' have been convicted as yet but 'the man with a soft heart' has declared them terrorists, where as not a single word about those who have been convicted by the courts because they are Muslims.
It seems that the 'eminent lawyer' knows more then even the terrorists. Probably, apart from proficiency in law, psychology, behavioral science and forensics, he has got the gift of extra sensory perception also.
What happened in Batla house encounter according to Prashant Bhushan is a reaction to Gujarat pogrom.
He, however, admitted that there may be some Muslim terrorists in the country. And this is possible after what happened in Gujarat in 2002. But surely they are not behind every bombing in the country, he said.Aha! So that's it. Muslim terrorism has started in our country after 2002 only. And that too, only as a retaliation. By that token, the Kashmiri Pandits also would have become terrorists and they would have started it from the ninth decade of the last century. And since the atrocities on them have been much more severe, sustained and cruel, they would have been behind every blast in our nation. Am I right Prashant ji?
Oh sorry! that was a political problem. I forgot, 'eminent human rights votary' sir.
Once you become an intellectual mercenary, it is easy to hide your true colors from simpletons like Anna Hazare and Swami Ramdev. Will they be able to see through the game of deception?
Just Wondering!
Related posts -
Arvind Kejriwal - The real face.
Anna and UPA - Who is helping who.
Anna What a mess you have made.
amazing work, keep it up
ReplyDeleteThough i couldn't read more but i will be back to read all.
Keep in touch
Thanks for the encouragement Satish.
ReplyDeleteIt is shocking! Such persons should investigated and exposed before the countrymen. Criticizing security forces without any proof and condemning the Hindu community has becoming very rewarding for such people.
ReplyDeleteEnlightening! Public should become aware of what was the ultimate conspiracy behind the anti-corruption crusade.
ReplyDeleteKeep it up Neeraj...Miles to go before ...
ReplyDeleteकश्मीर की समस्या विभाजन से जन्मी है व मुस्लिम का भारत में रहना भी विभाजन का परिणाम है। एक और जनमत संग्रह पूरे देश के गैर मुस्लिम से होना चाहिए कि भारत में मुस्लिम को रखा जाए या नहीं क्योंकि मुस्लिम आवाम को पाकिस्तान व बांग्लादेश के रूप में देश दिए जा चुके हैं तथा कश्मीर जहां मुस्लिम बहुमत में हैं देश से अलग होने की मांग कर रहे हैं।
ReplyDeletegud work... These so cld seculars r the biggest threat for us...
ReplyDeleteVery well documented and articulated. These "paid intellectuals" have to be countered and confronted in as many forums and ways as possible. You may also wish to read " If Dr.Fai is an ISI agent, then who are these pseudo intellectuals?" at http://arisebharat.org/archives/683.
ReplyDeleteI got two words for you FUCK YOU
ReplyDeleteMr. Faysal finds the truth hurtful...or are nwe seeing the entire extent of his vocabulory!!!
ReplyDeleteI hope my countrymen stop pointing fingers to one another!!! And as far as our political masters are concerned, they know the fact that people of India have got nothing at the back of their head which is probably the mistake of the Almighty.
ReplyDeleteOh God save my country.
Islam is a truly fanatic religion designed by a moron and a pedophile.
ReplyDeleteIslam is a religion of peace and a they will kill you to prove it !
Have you heard of the catastrophe of the man who rid a tiger? Let us connect the dots: Anna team takes full support of the RSS to see that the anti-corruption movement they is successful. The Organization was more than happy to extend full support for obvious reasons. After all, investigative agencies have started closing in the perpetrators of home grown terror. Till then it is smooth ride for both outfits. But then, Kejriwal and associates decides to campaign against Congies in the bi-election knowing very well that it will benefit the Saffron party. A cleaver by half step only a RSS minded person can think of. Prasant and a few others were not ready for this. They decided to keep away from the electoral campaign. That did not go well with the RSS who had invested so much in making the anti-corruption campaign a successful one. They waited till the last day of the canvassing and then decided to send a strong message to Mr. Prasant and company. Don't mess with us. If we can bomb trains and mosques, teaching you a good lesson for your miss-deeds is cake walk for us. Well, this is what happens when you ride a tiger. The earlier we know our enemy within the better.
ReplyDeleteNeha, I would like you to read the post 'Hindu terror: the oxymoron' in this very blog.
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting this Blog- More such blogs exposing these Terrorists, better it is.
ReplyDeleteHere is reality of this Religion of Peace.We ve to stop this propaganda against BSF/CRPF in Kashmir. My father was in Srinagar/ KukarNag/AnantNag from 1990 to 1997! Nothing of what they r saying is true ..These are all lies spread by mullahs
You have some foresight :)