So, Anna, you have decided to change your symbol. And you have done it on request of Kavita Krishnan, Nandini Ojha and others. As one of many citizens of our country, who whole heartedly supported your satyagrah and also sat on fast for two days in Chandigarh, I would share some information with you.
Kavita Krishnan is the secretary of CPI (Marxist Leninst) (Liberation). That is right friends; communist party of India. First of all she is an all out political outfit. So, she should have been treated with the same disdain as Chautala and Uma Bharti for being politicians.
As far as her nationalism is concerned, she was in the forefront of protests against our security forces when stone pelting Jihadis were giving a tough time to our jawans. She wants "democratic aspirations of Kashmiri people who are resisting brutal repression by Indian troopers". Democratic aspirations should be read as Azad Kashmir which the fanatic sunni muslims want after they have ousted 4,00,000 Kashmiri pandits. Being Marxists means no rights of Hindus. Thanks to our brave soldiers who are facing the fanatic stone pelters but they can not match the wickedness and double speak which these marxists are possessed with.
But then CPI (ML) is not a regular political outfit. It is very very special. Here is an excerpt from its manifesto:
To accomplish people's democratic revolution in a vast and complex country like India, a communist party has to be especially skillful in mastering and combining various forms of struggle and every available avenue of work. The Party therefore strives to develop a comprehensive revolutionary practice through an organic combination of illegal and legal, secret and open and extra-parliamentary and parliamentary forms of struggle and organisation.
Anna dada, do you know all this or have you been taken for a ride.
I do not know who this Nandini Ojha is but let us talk about others who objected to Bharat Mata, that is my mother alongwith billions of others as communal.
One of them is Antonia Maino a.k.a. Sonia Gandhi's pet poodle Harsh Mander raising this issue. According to him:
symbols and allies that the campaign chose disturbed me: the stage was decorated with a picture of Bharat Mata, almost identical to that propagated by the right-wing RSS.
Can you think of more perverted mentality. Bharat Mata is to be rejected and not revered. And what is the cause of rejection?
Then he says that he did not participate because of two Godmen Swami Ramdev and Shri Shri Ravi shankar because they had maximum supporters. What else are spiritual leaders supposed to do if not ask their followers to stand up for a noble cause? And again he has this allergy to only Hindu religious leaders although they do not discriminate between different religions. Swami Ramdev has been to Deobandh and Muslim clerics have been visiting his rallies as well as his Patanjali Yogpeeth. Still this former IAS officer of dubious service record finds them to be communal but presence of Archbishop Vincent Concessao does not switch on his revulsion.
Don't be surprised. He is on the payrolls of British entity called ActionAid India, which is a foreign policy instrument of Britain. AAI has undertaken
a study to examine the social, economic and educational conditions of Muslims… a means to mobilise and encourage the general public, civil society activists and organisations working on issues related to the Muslim community, to become more sensitised to the dismal economic, educational and social conditions of the Muslim masses.
Sounds pretty noble. Let us look at a few hard facts. Muslim population in truncated Bhaarat was about 9.9% which had increased to more then 14% in 2001 and would be around 16% in 2011 census. Add the number of Bangladeshi infiltrators and you might find it more then 20% of the population. On the other hand look at the plight of Hindus in Pakistan and Bangladesh. Their percentage has fallen from 28% in 1941 to just 9% in 2001 in Bangladesh and in Pakistan the situation is even more pitiable where the drop has been from 20% before partition to just 1.6% in 2001. How many murders, forced conversions, rapes and abductions resulted in this decline can only be imagined. The Action aid of Britain has no agenda of undertaking such encouragement plans for Hindus in Islamic countries. That should give you an idea of the intentions of these rascals.
Then there is a magsaysay award winner Sandeep Pandey. Here are his views:
He critiqued the growing military and 'counter-terrorism' collaboration between India, Israel and the United States, as well as the manufacturing of the image of Muslims as 'terrorists' which global powers are propagating so assidously in order, among other things, to boost their weapons industries.Is it not interesting? Read every word of this Magsaysay award winner. He is criticizing counter terrorism collaboration between India (Hindu Kafirs), Israel (Jew kaafirs) and U.S. (Christian Kaafirs). Exactly what all the Jihadi fundamentalists say.

That is not all. This Sandeep Pandey attended the Naxalite conference of kavita Krishnan's CPI (ML) Liberation and this is what he said:
Renowned NAPM activist and Magassassay Award winner Sandeep Pandey stressed the need of unity of revolutionary communist organisations like CPI(ML) and social movements to take on fascist danger.
So much for Gandhian thoughts. That is not all. He had a talk and Q&A session with AID (Association for India's development). Do not go by the name because it is a misnomer. This AID helped finance the famed 'peace march' of Sandeep Pandey between India and Pakistan. One of the supporting organizations was 'Pakistan American Alliance'. How much PEACE they want with India can be seen from this picture that was on the website of Pakistan American Alliance.
Dear Anna, When you added the clause of two Magsaysay award winners to be on the Lokayukta panel, did you know the truth of magsaysay award donors and its recipients?
If no, then you do not deserve to be my leader and if yes, you are as contemptible as the politicians whom you are holding in contempt.
If no, then you do not deserve to be my leader and if yes, you are as contemptible as the politicians whom you are holding in contempt.
Ramon Magsaysay award is in the name of an Asian but is controlled by Ford foundation. The awards have a politics of their own. It is generally given to those, who are in line with the thinking of the award giving organization. The awards and prizes have to be earned.
The prize is not given to anyone who does good work. One has to lobby and network for these awards. There is an entire set of machinisations involved in these awards and the hidden agenda is generally a matter of conjecture.
The prize is not given to anyone who does good work. One has to lobby and network for these awards. There is an entire set of machinisations involved in these awards and the hidden agenda is generally a matter of conjecture.
So, either make a public apology to the nation and Swami Ramdev, who brought you to the national limelight or we know that there is something very seriously wrong with you.
If you remove the symbol of Bharat Mata from the backdrop, then either you are a loser pretending to be tough or you are also one of the anti national monsters of your company. Here I have deliberately refrained from commenting on Agnivesh. He is even more deplorable then all these sidekicks you have there.
When Amitabh Bachchan (quoting the beautiful lines written by his dad Harivansh Rai Bachchan) wrote that
When Amitabh Bachchan (quoting the beautiful lines written by his dad Harivansh Rai Bachchan) wrote that
मैं हूँ उनके साथ खड़ी जो सीधी रखते अपनी रीढ़I endorsed him fully. But your action of agreeing to remove the image of Bharat Mata from the backdrop on the insistence of bunch of anti nationalists has compelled me to change my views regarding your spine. This puts you in the category of an octopus, who neither has a spine and can change colors according to his surroundings.
Talk to me Anna.
Excellent article....I was sad to see 0 comments on this
ReplyDeleteRudresh ji,
ReplyDeleteThanks for the appreciation. Sadly, we have become a nation of intellectually impotent or intellectual pimps.
Eye opener to me.. Agnivesh is Anti-Hindu... So we need to stand tall to counter attack the movement.
ReplyDeleteIndians read "Hindus" need de-education and re-education;
ReplyDeletethe choice is the government read "congress" way or the truthful & options full Internet highway
the result is mental slavery or the option of getting out of it
may more bloggers bloom
congrates for this analysis. scientific, rational and convincing. the cheats,frauds are clear and open. Now how to correct the things and when. where are the doers? How to organise and gulvanise them for action.How to have alternative planning from bottom.How to learn not to repeat the same mistakes?