The body count was Hindus killed 254 and Muslims killed 790.
When the home minister of Congress party released the data about the numbers of Muslims and Hindus killed, the man on the street took it with a pinch of salt. With the kind of politics practiced in India, one would assume that the numbers will be doctored. The effort would be to increase the number of Muslims killed and decrease those of the Hindu fatalities, to show that BJP is communal. It is a natural phenomena and perhaps BJP would try the reverse trick, if given a chance.
Like in every liberal society, we have our own share of parasites. They live, thrive and enjoy the freedom provided by our society and they take every opportunity to tarnish the image of the nation and its ethos.
The contempt and audacity with which they go about their parasitic pursuits rarely come to light because like true parasites, they are hidden from the direct glare. In fact, in medical parlance, a term better then parasites is 'opportunistic pathogens'. This term is used for those bacteria, who survive within our body and generally for our betterment. It is a symbiotic relationship. But, in case of some disease or malfunctioning, they themselves become the cause of misery to the host, on whom they survived for generations. They become the cause of suffering for the very host, from who they derive and have been deriving the resources for their survival.
In this post, I am reproducing the statements and rants of some such persons for your convenience. In case, some of you have the inclination and time to go through the kind of crap they are permitted to write and publicize in the name of freedom of speech, the links of original sources have been provided.
In this article, the readers are requested to concentrate the mathematical part of these social butterflies and cockroaches.
The Article by Suzzane Arundhati Roy, who probably thinks that Booker prize has provided her a license to lie, titled The new American century, says:
The fact that about 80,000 people have been killed in Kashmir since 1989, most of them Muslim, most of them by Indian security forces (making the average death toll about 6,000 a year); the fact that in February and March of 2002 more than 2,000 Muslims were murdered on the streets of Gujarat, that women were gang-raped and children were burned alive and 150,000 driven from their homes while the police and administration watched and sometimes actively participated;
So, according to this mathematics
790 = 2000
Interestingly, when someone wrote a preview of one of her books, she asked them to be more careful because she felt that she had been misquoted. It was not to correct the hugely exaggerated numbers but to spew more venom on Ratan Tata.
Then we have this guy called Cedric prakash. Another of those champions of human rights, who find everything wrong with our nation and its traditions. Before we move to his mathematical wizardry, let us see how this guy thinks the Prime Ministers or an aspirant to the post of PM should think.
Modi cannot nurture prime ministerial dreams unless he is acceptable to the Western world.
Mail Today, 08/05/2009
His love for western world is so overwhelming that he with a group of such like minded secularists appeared before a body called Commission on International Religious Freedom of the United States.
That is right. He is such a patriotic soul that he has no belief in the Judicial system of our country and files his statement to US body. This group begged the Americans to visit our nation to pass judgment on the state of affairs in our nation. How thoughtful about the sovereignty of our country? You can read his entire submission here.
I have produced the relevant text here.
With the above introduction, I now wish to make the following submissions to the Commission on International Religious Freedom of the United States:
that I would further like to submit that even today, apart from the fact that more than 2000 Muslims have been killed, about 600,000 have fled the State and almost 150,000 are still languishing in relief camps - there are no serious efforts being made by the Government of Gujarat to stop this ethnic cleansing. The twin fundamentals of security and justice are not being met. Efforts are being made to send the Muslim refugees away from the security of a camp. It is definitely not possible for them to go back to their homes. The only possibility is that they seek refuge in some already existing Muslim ghettos. This, in a way, will be the achievement of the current onslaught where a minority group is totally relegated to becoming a second class citizen and forced to live in areas and situations which could breed more violence.
If you think that he would change his word after the facts become public knowledge, you have not fathomed the depravity and willingness of these foreign stooges to undermine our nation. What he said in 2010 can be found here.
I realized that religion was being used to keep people divided and to create violence among communities. In Gujarat and in Ahmadabad, we have had several instances of violence that culminated with the massacre in 2002 that killed 2000 Muslims in our streets and villages; that had a powerful impact on my life.
This despite Modi being re elected by the mandate of the voters. That shows this pests respect for our democracy. I guess, his solution would be an American attack on Gujarat like on Iraq. Despite all this, the mathematical verdict is
790 = 2000
If you think that lick spittles of Americans are limited, then meet one more guy with half Indian and half Firangi name, John dayal. Now, this guy has been obligingly put on Antonia Gandhi's National Integration Council. This lover of national integration also is on the list of beggars who went to USCIRF. Read for yourself what he says in this post:
Also In June 2009, USCIRF requested to visit India to discuss religious freedom conditions with officials, religious leaders, civil society activists and others, but the Indian government did not issue visas to the USCIRF delegation. Nor did the Indian government offer alternative dates for a visit, which the Commission requested. Efforts continue to lag to prosecute the perpetrators of the 2002 Hindu-Muslim riots in Gujarat, in which over 2,000 were killed, the majority of whom were Muslim.
How such subservience to foreign imperialistic forces will help in national (dis)integration is anybody's guess. Once again, the mathematics of the parasites says
790 = 2000
Then we have one more such nationalist. He is tom tommed to be an eminent author. If you are not familiar with Praful Bidwai brand of nationalism, taste this:
One central issue here is what his government will do to secure justice for the victims of the 2002 Gujarat carnage in which 2,000 Muslims were butchered. Hardly anyone has been prosecuted by the state’s BJP-led government for the killings.The entire article can be found , here. The magic of the mathematics
790 = 2000
Then we have another human rights champion, who has been accused by her own clients of perjury. Remember Teesta Setalvaad. Her husband runs a rag called communalism combat, which talks about his liar wife, in here. The excerpt is:
Ironically, both men at the helm in Gujarat, the state's chief minister, Narendra Modi, and the director general of police (DGP), PC Pandey, stand seriously indicted for criminal conspiracy and mass murder of the state's 2,500 Muslims in 2002.So, she has supassed the mark of 2,000 by additional 500. She takes the cake for wizardry. No wonder telling lies comes easily to her. According to Teesta
Another beauty about these human rights activists is that going by their versions, the 254 Hindus killed do not appear to have been humans.Thus another mathematical equation in the fashionable circles is
790 = 2500
This perverted mathematics is not the only thread that binds these divisive elements, the other common link is all of them have won one prize or the other. International prizes have already been there, there is a new element added. The modus operandi is simple: Pump in money into innocuously named NGOs and institute a prize. Indians have got that typical slave mentality that everyone who has won a prize is a noble soul.
254 = 0
![]() |
A slave of West (Or white man? or Christianity?) |
Take a look at the picture above. Look at the inflated chest of Cedric Prakash, receiving the prize 'Chevalier de la Legion d’ Honneur Award' from French ambassador. Do you feel disgusted? This is how one becomes 'eminent'. Curiously, Dr. Binayak Sen, has also received an award. It is called 'prestigious Paul Harrison award'. The year was 2004. It was given by 'Christian Medical College', Vellore, his own alma matter. This prize is given to those who work for the cause of the college. And what is the vision and mission.
Well, the vision is
The Missions office of CMC, Vellore seeks to equip health professionals and institutions to be an effective witness for the Lord Jesus Christ in the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) and in the healing ministry.and the mission is
The Missions office CMC, Vellore works towards the transformation of the institutions by developing health professionals who can effectively communicate the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and can administer excellent health care.Does that solve the mystery of the entire section with vested interests going overboard about one doctor incarcerated in a corner of third world, ignoring the human rights violations in Kashmir, Afghanistan, Iraq and a hundred other places?
Remember what Gandhi had said about this cruel phenomena
Here we have the floodgates opened for these disruptive forces and dumped Gandhi. O followers of Gandhi! Pick up the courage and face the challenge, otherwise this great civilization will be finished from within and without, just like the Greek and Roman civilizations.
If I had the power and could legislate, I should stop all proselytizing. In Hindu households the advent of a missionary has meant the disruption of the family coming in the wake of change of dress, manners, language, food and drink.
These bacteria have been opportunistic. Now they have become pathogenic also. If the remedial measures are not taken, it will be a bloody fight.
That means taking on monsters enconsined at the highest echelons of power. Can you do it?
If some of you think that I have stretched the logic a little too far, read the history books. Genuine history books. Written by independent historians. Would you?
Just Wondering!
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