Take a look at the following paragraph
Tulsi in Sanskrit means "the incomparable one" and its been taken like this since ancient times...There are certain benefits of this plant and it also proves the position of Hinduism and Christianity being based on scientific methods. And the english name is beacuse...the holy basil, is said to have grown at the site of Christ’s crucifixion and is associated with St. Basil’s feast, a day celebrated in Greece on January 1.
I have never read a more hilarious scientific reason. This snatch has been taken from this blog. From the looks of the blogger, he is a converted Christian and a willing or gullible instrument of wicked missionaries.
Before we even discuss the sheer stupidity of the claim, let me share with you the reason for which I found it funny and macabre at the same time is that his post reminded me of an order issued by the church and its henchmen on the Hindu population when the church did not need such sugar coated approach.
Christianity's dark secret regarding Tulsi
As Christianity is an imperialistic and predatory creed, it mastered the mind games very early. When Francis Xavier, promoted as a saint, asked for installing the dreaded 'Inquisition' on Hindus, one of the first things they did was to institute a commission for the purpose of uprooting Hinduism. It was called 'Goa inquiry commission'. Based on its findings, a religious order or fatwa was declared on Hindus.
"...Hereby we declare the decision that the conventions mentioned in the preamble of the fatva as stated below are permanently declared as useless, and therefore prohibited."
The list of prohibitions was very long. For this post, I am referring only to the one related to Tulsi.
They should not plant Tulsi in their houses, compounds, gardens or any other place.
So much so for Christianity's link with Tulsi. May be our Sammy has rewritten the entire Bible to make it scientific.
Respecting Science: Church Style
The scientific Christianity was responsible for publicly burning the famous scientist 'Giardiano Bruno' and arresting Galileo. The scientific holy fathers did not look through the telescope when requested by a hapless Galileo because they considered it to be an instrument of 'Satan'. The scientific church, publicly burnt at stake, thousands of women who used herbal remedies by branding them as witches.
Respecting Science: Church Style
The scientific Christianity was responsible for publicly burning the famous scientist 'Giardiano Bruno' and arresting Galileo. The scientific holy fathers did not look through the telescope when requested by a hapless Galileo because they considered it to be an instrument of 'Satan'. The scientific church, publicly burnt at stake, thousands of women who used herbal remedies by branding them as witches.
That was the funny part. Now, the macabre part.
Many of you will have the first reaction on the lines of 'so what. at least they are appreciating Hinduism.' That is because we are unable to fathom the level of depravity upto which missionaries can fall.
The Missionary motive
The Missionary motive
The church through its massive funds and the Christian education system working in our country has been working to 'harvest our souls'. One part of the plan is to first 'secularize' Hinduism and then plant Christianity in our nation. It is not my theory. They are working on it and have secularized a large section of the urban populace.
One of their most successful missionaries has been 'father Bede Griffith'. Here are his rants:
"It is a remarkable fact, that the Church has been present in India for over fifteen hundred years and has had for the most part everything in its favour, and yet in all this time hardly two in a hundred of the people has been converted to the christian faith. The position is, indeed, worse even than this figure would suggest, as the vast majority of Christians are concentrated in a very few small areas and in the greater part of India the mass of people remains today untouched except in a very general way by the christian faith. It is necessary to go even further than this and to say that for the immense majority of the Indian people Christianity still appears as a foreign religion imported from the West and the soul of India remains obstinately (it is not respectfully but obstinately) attached to its ancient religion. It is not simply a matter of ignorance. This may have been true in the past, but in recent times there has been a remarkable revival of Hinduism, which is more or less consciously opposed to Christianity, and the educated Hindu regards his religion as definitely superior to Christianity
For a missionary, revival of Hinduism is dangerous. They are not sages or spiritual men and women, who can appreciate that Hindu religion is far more superior than hollow creeds. To his mind, it is not a spiritual matter but an occupational hazard. Thus a missionary will praise a different religion for his ulterior motives only but never accept it superior then Christianity (remember Tulsi).
Example from destruction of Greek Civilization
Another proselytizer R.H.S.Boyd has this to say:
"As we reflect on the process, by which Christianity in the earlier centuries became acclimatised in the Greek world, and by which it made use of certain categories of Greek thought, we are struck by the double face of its acceptance of 'secularised' Greek philosophy and philosophical terminology, and its complete rejection of Greek religion and mythology. Greek religion was gradually secularised. Philosophy was separated from what had been a religio-philosophic unity. The religious content - which had already been deeply influenced by secularisation right from the time of Aristophanes and Euripides - developed into a cultural, literary, artistic entity 'incapsulated' and isolated, except in the Orphic and mystery traditions, from that living, existential faith which transforms men's lives."
Look at the words; 'made use of'. There is not even an iota of respect for Hindu religion. IT has to be 'made use of'. Does that explain the appreciation of Tulsi and hijacking it on frivolous and funny reasons towards Christianity.
What he is not stating is that this secularisation of Greek religion was manipulated by Church. The pagan schools were closed, their rites banned and temples were destroyed to secularise them.
Have we noticed that students are fined in schools run in our country for talking in Hindi? They are forced to wear ties and skirts, which are absolutely alien to our religion and culture. The very fact that we have accepted it as a part of our life is a pointer towards the successful planning of the church.
Brood Parasitism
Brood Parasitism
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Bigger egg is of parasitic cuckoo |
The host female will hatch the eggs and when the chicks will come out, the aggressive cuckoo chick will push out the host chicks. That will eliminate its competitors for food and the host parents will feed this parasite, believing it to be their own off spring.
The unsuspecting parents keep on feeding the murderer of their own off springs. Thus they feed a parasite with the belief that it is their own off spring. Look at the size of the chick. It is still an infant but much bigger then its feeders.
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Poor sparrow feeding the murderer of her own chicks |
The Hindu take
As far as Hindu respect for science and tulsi is concerned, it states;
अर्थात - जिसके मूल में सभी तीर्थ समाहित हैं जिसके मध्य भाग में सभी देवताओं का वास है, जिसके पत्ते वेदस्वरूप हैं, उस तुलसी माँ को मेरा बारंबार नमन हैयन्मूले सर्वतीर्थानि,यन्मध्ये सर्वदेवता:।यदग्रे सर्ववेदाश्च,तुलसित्वां नमाम्तयतम्
This respect for the plant is due to its medicinal properties and not a mere superstition. I am not going to discuss the various beneficial aspects of Tulsi, for them just search the net and you will find it out.
Claims of a Wind Bag
Now for the hilarious justification given by our desi Christian;
the holy basil, is said to have grown at the site of Christ’s crucifixionNotice the inconclusive word 'said' to have grown. Who said it? May be saint sammy. Or saint Hitler. That is how scientific the religion is. The books of Copernicus were banned by the church. Of course the best scientists are the holy fathers who devised Inquisition.
What a stark contrast between the two religions?
One which respects nature and its scientific bounty, the other has no place of nature in its scheme of things. Still Nehru and his comrades want us to believe that all the religions are same.
The Muslim Behaviour during dark ages
Unfortunately, this reverence of the plants and nature attracted the ire of not only Christians but also Muslims. The Muslim invaders, who had come to this land in order to finish off Hinduism showed the same intolerance towards Tulsi. Sample this:
Chaitanya-mangala, a biography of the great Vaishnava saint of medieval India, presents the plight of the Hindus in Navadvip (नवद्वीप) on the eve of the saint's birth in 1484 CE. The author Jayananda writes
"...The king plunders the houses of those who wear sacred threads on the shoulder and put sacred marks on the forehead, and then binds them. He breaks the temples and uproots tulsi plants... The bathing in Ganga is prohibited..."
These actions were intended to hurt the sentiments of the Hindus. It is the inherent intolerance in Semitic religions which forces such conduct.
Isana Nagara describes the condition of the Hindus under Husain Shah as follows:
Is it the story of a tulsi plant? or science? or intolerance?The wicked mlecchhas (धूर्त म्लेच्छ) urinate like dogs on the tulsi plant and deliberately pass faeces in the Hindu temples. They throw water from their mouths on the Hindus engaged in worship, and harass the Hindu saints...
Just Wondering!
If you liked it, then this might interest you.
यन्मूले सर्वतीर्थानि,यन्मध्ये सर्वदेवता:।यदग्रे सर्ववेदाश्च,तुलसित्वां नमाम्तयतम्
ReplyDeleteShould not the last line read Tulasee Tvaam Namaamyaham.
Thank you for the informative post.
DKM Kartha