Those of you who are unaware, Quran is the religious scriptures of Muslims. It contains what Allah dictated to Mohammad (the prophet of Islam) through a farishta Jibril (जिब्रील, referred to as Gabriel in Bible). The process was, only Mohammad could see and hear Jibril and would repeat what Jibril told Mohammad. These utterings of Mohammad are collected in Quran.
In this post, I will try to describe chapter 66 of this book.I have taken the extract from two of the most circulated translations of Quran. The one by Hilali and Khan is gifted to Haj pilgrims by the Saudi govt, so its authenticity can not be questioned. Lest someone accuse me of tinkering with the text, the content in parenthesis is also from the original translations and not from my side. The Hindi translation is by Farooq Khan and Nadwi.
A brief background will help the uninitiated. The prophet had married at least nine women in the last decade of his life, after the death of his first wife, Khandija. All of them had their separate houses adjoining each other. Mohammad devised a rota system under which, he used to visit one wife in one day. Thus, the residents of Madina used to refer the days as 'day of Aisha', 'day of Zainab' and so on. On the day when the chapter 66 was revealed to him, he was to spend his day with his teen aged wife Aisha. Another wife, Hafsa, had gone to meet her father, who lived nearby. When she came back, she saw that Mohammad was busy with one of his concubines, Maria in the bed of Hafsa.
She lost her temper. Mohammad realized that it might become a scandal, so he apologized to her. It is explained by one of the most authentic biographies of Mohammad, 'The life of Mahomet', written by William Muir. This is what he tells us.
She reproached her lord bitterly, and threatened to make the occurrence known to the whole sisterhood. Afraid of the exposure, and anxious to appease his offended wife, Mahomet begged of her to keep the matter quiet, and promised to forego the company of Mary altogether. Haphsa, however, did not care to hide her wrong. She told it all to Ayesha, who boiled with indignation at the tale. The scandal throughout the harem spread apace, and Mahomet soon found himself received by his wives with coldness and reserve.
Life of Mahomet, pp 413
It was at this juncture that the following chapter of Quran was revealed to Mohammad.
[66:1] Hilali & KhanO Prophet! Why do you ban (for yourself) that which Allah has made lawful to you, seeking to please your wives? And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.फ़ारूक़ ख़ान & नदवीऐ रसूल जो चीज़ ख़ुदा ने तुम्हारे लिए हलाल की है तुम उससे अपनी बीवियों की ख़ुशनूदी के लिए क्यों किनारा कशी करो और ख़ुदा तो बड़ा बख्शने वाला मेहरबान है
What it means is that Allah has given his sanction to have relation with Mary and Allah's wish should not be given secondary importance, just to please wives. Then,
[66:2] Hilali & KhanAllah has already ordained for you (O men), the dissolution of your oaths. And Allah is your Maula (Lord, or Master, or Protector, etc.) and He is the All-Knower, the All-Wise.फ़ारूक़ ख़ान & नदवीख़ुदा ने तुम लोगों के लिए क़समों को तोड़ डालने का कफ्फ़ार मुक़र्रर कर दिया है और ख़ुदा ही तुम्हारा कारसाज़ है और वही वाक़िफ़कार हिकमत वाला है
In this second verse, Allah sanctions Mohammad to break his oath of severing his relation with beautiful concubine Mary.
[66:3] Hilali & KhanAnd (remember) when the Prophet (SAW) disclosed a matter in confidence to one of his wives (Hafsah), so when she told it (to another i.e. 'Aishah), and Allah made it known to him, he informed part thereof and left a part. Then when he told her (Hafsah) thereof, she said: "Who told you this?" He said: "The All-Knower, the All-Aware (Allah) has told me".फ़ारूक़ ख़ान & नदवीऔर जब पैग़म्बर ने अपनी बाज़ बीवी (हफ़सा) से चुपके से कोई बात कही फिर जब उसने (बावजूद मुमानियत) उस बात की (आयशा को) ख़बर दे दी और ख़ुदा ने इस अम्र को रसूल पर ज़ाहिर कर दिया तो रसूल ने (आयशा को) बाज़ बात (किस्सा मारिया) जता दी और बाज़ बात (किस्साए यहद) टाल दी ग़रज़ जब रसूल ने इस वाक़िये (हफ़सा के अफ़शाए राज़) कि उस (आयशा) को ख़बर दी तो हैरत से बोल उठीं आपको इस बात (अफ़शाए राज़) की किसने ख़बर दी रसूल ने कहा मुझे बड़े वाक़िफ़कार ख़बरदार (ख़ुदा) ने बता दिया
This verse means that Allah told Mohammad that Hafsa had informed Aisha about the incident.
[66:4] Hilali & KhanIf you two (wives of the Prophet SAW, namely 'Aishah and Hafsah) turn in repentance to Allah, (it will be better for you), your hearts are indeed so inclined (to oppose what the Prophet SAW likes), but if you help one another against him (Muhammad SAW), then verily, Allah is his Maula (Lord, or Master, or Protector, etc.), and Jibrael (Gabriel), and the righteous among the believers, and furthermore, the angels are his helpers.फ़ारूक़ ख़ान & नदवी(तो ऐ हफ़सा व आयशा) अगर तुम दोनों (इस हरकत से) तौबा करो तो ख़ैर क्योंकि तुम दोनों के दिल टेढ़े हैं और अगर तुम दोनों रसूल की मुख़ालेफ़त में एक दूसरे की अयानत करती रहोगी तो कुछ परवा नहीं (क्यों कि) ख़ुदा और जिबरील और तमाम ईमानदारों में नेक शख़्श उनके मददगार हैं और उनके अलावा कुल फरिश्ते मददगार हैं
In the above verse, Allah is warning the two wives about helping each other. The oblique threat is that Mohammad has the support of Allah, Jibril, Angels and Muslims.
The oblique threat becomes even more deadly in the very next verse.
[66:5] Hilali & KhanIt may be if he divorced you (all) that his Lord will give him instead of you, wives better than you, Muslims (who submit to Allah), believers, obedient to Allah, turning to Allah in repentance, worshipping Allah sincerely, fasting or emigrants (for Allah's sake), previously married and virgins.फ़ारूक़ ख़ान & नदवीअगर रसूल तुम लोगों को तलाक़ दे दे तो अनक़रीब ही उनका परवरदिगार तुम्हारे बदले उनको तुमसे अच्छी बीवियाँ अता करे जो फ़रमाबरदार ईमानदार ख़ुदा रसूल की मुतीय (गुनाहों से) तौबा करने वालियाँ इबादत गुज़ार रोज़ा रखने वालियाँ ब्याही हुई
Hmmm. So, if Mohammad divorces his wives, Allah will provide virgins, as well as married and obedient wives to Mohammad. Now, why would Allah, creator of the entire universe be interested in the extra curricular activities of Mohammad. This must have scared the hell out of the wives.
[66:6] Hilali & KhanO you who believe! Ward off from yourselves and your families a Fire (Hell) whose fuel is men and stones, over which are (appointed) angels stern (and) severe, who disobey not, (from executing) the Commands they receive from Allah, but do that which they are commanded.फ़ारूक़ ख़ान & नदवीऔर बिन ब्याही कुंवारियाँ हो ऐ ईमानदारों अपने आपको और अपने लड़के बालों को (जहन्नुम की) आग से बचाओ जिसके इंधन आदमी और पत्थर होंगे उन पर वह तन्दख़ू सख्त मिजाज़ फ़रिश्ते (मुक़र्रर) हैं कि ख़ुदा जिस बात का हुक्म देता है उसकी नाफरमानी नहीं करते और जो हुक्म उन्हें मिलता है उसे बजा लाते हैं
After these six verses, which provide divine sanction of no less then Allah, for Mohammad to break his oath and continue his activities with concubines, Allah suddenly switches his ire against Kuffar (plural of Kaafir). Sample this:
[66:7] Hilali & Khan(It will be said in the Hereafter) O you who disbelieve (in the Oneness of Allah - Islamic Monotheism)! Make no excuses this Day! You are being requited only for what you used to do.[66:7] फ़ारूक़ ख़ान & नदवी(जब कुफ्फ़ार दोज़ख़ के सामने आएँगे तो कहा जाएगा) काफ़िरों आज बहाने न ढूँढो जो कुछ तुम करते थे तुम्हें उसकी सज़ा दी जाएगी
Thus, in this seventh verse, the focus shifts to Kaafirs, who will be punished by Allah for worshiping others then Allah.
In the next verse, Allah tells about the benefit of worshiping him. The faithful Muslims will enter paradise where rivers flow.
[66:8] Hilali & KhanO you who believe! Turn to Allah with sincere repentance! It may be that your Lord will remit from you your sins, and admit you into Gardens under which rivers flow (Paradise) the Day that Allah will not disgrace the Prophet (Muhammad SAW) and those who believe with him, their Light will run forward before them and with (their Records Books of deeds) in their right hands they will say: "Our Lord! Keep perfect our Light for us [and do not put it off till we cross over the Sirat (a slippery bridge over the Hell) safely] and grant us forgiveness. Verily, You are Able to do all things."फ़ारूक़ ख़ान & नदवीऐ ईमानदारों ख़ुदा की बारगाह में साफ़ ख़ालिस दिल से तौबा करो तो (उसकी वजह से) उम्मीद है कि तुम्हारा परवरदिगार तुमसे तुम्हारे गुनाह दूर कर दे और तुमको (बेहिश्त के) उन बाग़ों में दाखिल करे जिनके नीचे नहरें जारी हैं उस दिन जब ख़ुदा रसूल को और उन लोगों को जो उनके साथ ईमान लाए हैं रूसवा नहीं करेगा (बल्कि) उनका नूर उनके आगे आगे और उनके दाहिने तरफ़ (रौशनी करता) चल रहा होगा और ये लोग ये दुआ करते होंगे परवरदिगार हमारे लिए हमारा नूर पूरा कर और हमें बख्य दे बेशक तू हर चीज़ पर कादिर है
In the ninth verse, Allah instigates Mohammad to give a severe treatment to Kaafirs (the term disbelievers used in english translation gives the impression of atheists but the Hindi versions will clear the doubts), and Hypocrites (Munafiq is a term that is used for those Muslims who do not participate in Jihad). They are reviled by faithful Muslims and have a status even lower than that of Kaafirs. That is why the Muslims killed in Jihadi explosions are not considered to be a loss of Islam.
[66:9] Hilali & KhanO Prophet (Muhammad SAW)! Strive hard against the disbelievers and the hypocrites, and be severe against them, their abode will be Hell, and worst indeed is that destination.[66:9] फ़ारूक़ ख़ान & नदवीऐ रसूल काफ़िरों और मुनाफ़िकों से जेहाद करो और उन पर सख्ती करो और उनका ठिकाना जहन्नुम है और वह क्या बुरा ठिकाना है
Does that clear your doubts? Quran sanctions the Jihad and here it is clear that it is not a fight with the evil inside a man but against Kaafirs as well as those who say that they are Muslims but do not obey Quran and prophet. Incidentally, Mohammad killed thousands of Kaafirs, married some of their wives and kept some as his concubines. Next time you see some media savvy liar telling you that religion has nothing to do with Jihad, you will know that he is hoodwinking you.
After these verses about Kaafirs and Jihad, Allah again addresses the issue of wives of Mohammad. In the tenth verse, he tells about the terrible fate that awaits those wives, who do not believe in Allah.
[66:10] Hilali & KhanAllah sets forth an example for those who disbelieve, the wife of Nuh (Noah) and the wife of Lout (Lot). They were under two of our righteous slaves, but they both betrayed their (husbands by rejecting their doctrine) so they [Nuh (Noah) and Lout (Lot)] benefited them (their respective wives) not, against Allah, and it was said: "Enter the Fire along with those who enter!"फ़ारूक़ ख़ान & नदवीख़ुदा ने काफिरों (की इबरत) के वास्ते नूह की बीवी (वाएला) और लूत की बीवी (वाहेला) की मसल बयान की है कि ये दोनो हमारे बन्दों के तसर्रुफ़ थीं तो दोनों ने अपने शौहरों से दगा की तो उनके शौहर ख़ुदा के मुक़ाबले में उनके कुछ भी काम न आए और उनको हुक्म दिया गया कि और जाने वालों के साथ जहन्नुम में तुम दोनों भी दाखिल हो जाओ
The meaning of the verse is that the wives of Noah and Lot, although were wives of believers, could not enter paradise but were thrown into the fire of hell because they did not believe and obey Allah.
In the next two verses, Allah tells the wives of Mohammad about the women who were taken into paradise because they obeyed Allah, although their husbands were Kaafir.
[66:11] Hilali & KhanAnd Allah has set forth an example for those who believe, the wife of Fir'aun (Pharaoh), when she said: "My Lord! Build for me a home with You in Paradise, and save me from Fir'aun (Pharaoh) and his work, and save me from the people who are Zalimun (polytheists, wrong-doers and disbelievers in Allah).[66:11] फ़ारूक़ ख़ान & नदवीऔर ख़ुदा ने मोमिनीन (की तसल्ली) के लिए फिरऔन की बीवी (आसिया) की मिसाल बयान फ़रमायी है कि जब उसने दुआ की परवरदिगार मेरे लिए अपने यहाँ बेहिश्त में एक घर बना और मुझे फिरऔन और उसकी कारस्तानी से नजात दे और मुझे ज़ालिम लोगो (के हाथ) से छुटकारा अता फ़रमा
[66:12] Hilali & KhanAnd Maryam (Mary), the daughter of 'Imran who guarded her chastity; and We breathed into (the sleeve of her shirt or her garment) through Our Ruh [i.e. Jibrael (Gabriel)], and she testified to the truth of the Words of her Lord [i.e. believed in the Words of Allah: "Be!" and he was; that is 'Iesa (Jesus) - son of Maryam (Mary); as a Messenger of Allah], and (also believed in) His Scriptures, and she was of the Qanitin (i.e. obedient to Allah).[66:12] फ़ारूक़ ख़ान & नदवीऔर (दूसरी मिसाल) इमरान की बेटी मरियम जिसने अपनी शर्मगाह को महफूज़ रखा तो हमने उसमें रूह फूंक दी और उसने अपने परवरदिगार की बातों और उसकी किताबों की तस्दीक़ की और फरमाबरदारों में थी
Now, since Allah had permitted Mohammad to break his oath given to his wife Hafza that he will have no relations with Mary, Mohammad left his wives and started living with Mary. She was about twenty years of age and he was about sixty. Mohammad lived with her for about a month, during which time the stalemate continued.
This was a matter of grave concern for the fathers of both, Aisha and Hafza. They were close aides of Mohammad. It was on their repeated pleadings to Mohammad and chastisement to their daughters that Mohammad relented. This is how William Muir puts it:At length Mahomet, unwilling longer to continue the disgrace of his wives, or impatient at his self-imposed seclusion from them, listened to their prayer. Gabriel, he said, had spoken well of Haphsa, the chief offender, and desired that he should take her back again. So he forgave them all and returned to their apartments as before.
The concubine, Mary, gave birth to a son of Mohammad who was named Ibrahim. He died in his infancy due to some disease.
Now, let me drive home some important points.
Quran is considered to be the supreme scripture of Islam. Supreme. Anyone, who does not believe in Quran is not a Muslim. Anyone who does not show respect to Quran is not a Muslim.
Secondly, anyone who does not believe that Mohammad was the messenger of Allah is not a Muslim. No disrespect is to be shown towards Mohammad. In fact, he is the role model of all Muslims and thus has to be emulated. Quran is absolutely clear on this front also.
[33:21] Hilali & KhanIndeed in the Messenger of Allah (Muhammad SAW) you have a good example to follow for him who hopes in (the Meeting with) Allah and the Last Day and remembers Allah much.
When a Muslim is dyeing his beard with henna, shaving his moustaches and keeping his beard or wearing a short of length pyjama, he is following the 'good example' of the 'messenger of Allah'.
The extent of protectionism for the prophet is that, in Pakistan, there is a law called 'Tauheen e rasool' or 'Tauheen e risaalat', i.e. disrespect of messenger. Under this law, if anyone shows disrespect for Mohammad, he/she is to be killed. Period. One of the Maulavis, who helped the court in framing the law, brags about it:
The law of Tauheene Risalat was enforced in 1986 so that stringent action could be taken against all those who speak out and pen down disrespectful sentences against Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasalIam). Under this law Hadd of Irtidad which is death punishment was prescribed for anyone who disrespects, taunts or insults the Muqaddas name of Raulullah (SAW) either verbally or in writing or by means of obvious gesture, directly or indirectly. Afterwards, the Federal Shari’at Court was approached for scrutinizing the above law in the light of Holy Qurtaan and Sunnah. On 30th October, 1990, the full bench under Chief Justice Gul Mohammad Khan passed a detailed judgement and clarified further that the punishment of death is the only sentence for one who disrespects and commits insult of Rasulullah (SAW).
Rest of his brags are here.
Currently, a woman called Asia bibi is incarcerated in a Paki jail, awaiting her execution. She has been convicted under the law 'Tauheen e risaalat', which is being tom tommed in India as 'ईश निंदा', to give an impression as if someone has insulted ईश्वर and not a prophet. Salman Taseer, the progressive governor of Punjab, Pakistan was killed, a few months ago, by his guard. The guard said that he killed Taseer because Taseer said that 'Tauheen e Risaalat' was a 'black law' and was also trying to protect the woman Asia bibi.
On second thoughts it seems normal. Any society that stifles free thinking is bound to produce such psycho killers.
I wonder if progressive Muslims really know the kind of man the prophet was and how he treated women in general and his wives in particular. May be Salman Taseer knew.
The laws devised on the basis of sayings and teachings of Mohammad, called Sharia, provide Muslim men, absolute power over their women. The threat of Talaaq, hanging on the heads of Muslim women is almost as old as Islam.
Not surprisingly, there is no word for Talaaq or divorce in Hindi or Sanskrit. Like there is no word for 'Yog' in Arabic or English.
Regarding this particular chapter, the famous biographer of Mohammad, William Muir says:
There is surely no grotesquer utterance than this in the ' Sacred Books of the East '; and yet it has been gravely read all these ages, and is still read, by the Moslem, both in public and private, as part of the ' eternal ' Coran.Wonder how educated Muslims will react to his words.